chapter 20

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We pull up to the frat house and I'm greeted by the familiar sight of the same party goers and red plastic cups littering the lawn as the night before. Did they even clean up from last nights party? Did these people even go home or did they just carry on partying? I climb out of the car and wait for Abz to join me at my side.

I feel excited to go in now, the dress and my look gives me a new burst of confidence and I'm looking forward to letting loose and having fun. Abz joins me linking her arm into mine literally pulling me from my thoughts and together we make our way to the frats entrance with Scott trailing close behind. I suddenly register that we've lost the peroxide Barbie already, another sign that this is going to be a good night.

We walk into chaos, maybe I was to wasted to notice what it was actually like here last night. The whole space is already crammed to bursting with students bodies holding plastic cups full of alcohol.

The air is thick with cigarette smoke and I'm sure I can smell weed too. In the lounge there's two large overcrowded sofas, facing opposite one another and it looks like a space has been cleared so people can dance.

The music pounds through my veins and I feel greatful when Abz presses a cup into my hands. I feel anxious in this crowded house, a stark contrast to what I felt only moments ago when we were outside and I know the only way to push through that is to drink myself into a new high.

I tip the cup back making sure to drain all the beer inside and my eyes instantly go in search for more, no I don't want beer I need something stronger.
"I'm gonna go to the kitchen and see what drink they've got in there." Abz gives me a knowing look.

"I'll come with you I can't stand this watered down shit!" She takes my hand and pulls me through the sea of crowded bodies untill we reach the kitchen. I see Charlie's forever smiling face, he's sat on the counter top talking to a small group of preppy guys.

When he notices my presence his eyes widen at my appearance making me pleased with my dress choice and he jumps down stalking towards me pulling me into an embrace. My body stiffens in reaction at first but I begin to relax into the warmth and comfort of him and return the hug.

"You look absolutely stunning." He whispers into my ear before pulling away to glance over my body again.
"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself." And he doesn't, he looks cute as always wearing his signature blue jeans and grey shirt.
"Hello to you too!" Abz calls out over the music wanting her fair share of the attension.

"Abz." Charlie just nods towards her but his eyes never leave my face. He grabs a bottle of what I'm guessing is vodka from the counter and grabs some cups.
"Do you want one of these?"
"Do you even have to ask?" He laughs at my response and pours a healthy dose of the alcohol into four of the cups topping it off with coke.

I thank him and immediately drink down half of it, he passes one over to Abz, keeping one back for himself.
"There's an extra on the side, saves you from having to get a refill."
"You know me so well." Although I don't think it's probably a good thing to be known as the girl who drinks so much.

Charlie moves his way next to me snaking his arm around my lower back, the anxiety that I felt begins to leave my body as the alchole works it's magic on me and I lean into his hold.
"I didn't know you left last night I was looking around for you, where did you go?"

Charlie waits patiently for an answer and I notice Abz shoot me an amused glance as she peers over her cup, taking another sip to hide her forming smile, no doubt remembering seeing me this morning in Jace's clothes.
"Yes Olivia where did you go?" I hear a voice behind me, not just any voice but Jace's Voice, daring me to tell the truth.

I risk a glance in his direction and instantly wish I hadn't. A large dimpled smirk rests on his face and his grey eyes are glowing with humour. I can't help but be reminded of my promise to myself to stay away from him. Well that fucking didn't last long did it. Everyone is waiting for me to speak so I drain the rest of my drink before I do.

"You remember I was drinking with my friend at Jimmy's? Well he's a friend from home. He called me when I was here and came to pick me up so we could hang out before he went home today." Is that believable enough? Did my story match what I told Abz? I think it does.

My chest tightens in anticipation, I hope to god Jace doesn't call me out on my bullshit Infront of everyone and just wants to forget what really happened but then again his face says otherwise.
"He's just a friend though right?" Charlie is obviously worrying about my non existent friend.

"Of course, nothing more. I wish I would have stayed here really I bet I would of had a better time." I can't help but say that whilst looking directly at Jace. That mischievous dimpled grin is wiped from his face, his features have now hardened at my comment.
"Well I would of made sure of that." He ducks down close to me so only I can hear the comment earning a flush across my face from the thought.

I reach out for the extra drink made for me on the counter but as I grab it I feel the cup pull away from my grasp. I look up to see the face of the thief...of course it's Jace. I pull harder and so does he. This is ridiculous were having a tug of war over a fucking drink I can imagine the people around us are staring but I don't want to be the one to give in and apparently neither does he but then to my horror he lets go suddenly as I pull the drink towards me and the force makes me throw it over myself.

I hear gasps around me but I'm too busy checking out the damage that's been done. My hand and legs are covered with the now sticky substance but luckily only a light splash caught the bottom of my dress.
"What the actual fuck?" I call him out, he obviously intended for this to happen.

"You should be more careful, maybe if you weren't so keen to chuck a drink down your throat you wouldn't be in such a mess." What?
"Jace your such an asshole! Liv do you need help cleaning up? We can go to the bathroom upstairs." Abz scolds Jace but somehow I don't think he even fucking cares.

"No it's fine I'll go sort myself out I'll be back down in a minute." I need a moment to myself away from everyone. I turn on my heel before anything else can be said and make my way to the stairs in the hall.

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