chapter 37

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We pull up outside the frat house and I can already tell that the party is in full swing. I step out of the car to join Sammie's side and I can feel the base of the music pounding through my body even though we are still outside.
Sammies' small hand finds mine and she takes ahold of me, whilst holding onto Jackson on her other side.

Jackson leads us into the building and I instinctively reach out for a drink that I know will be waiting to greet me on the console table by the door. I bring it to my lips but stop feeling embarrassed when I realise Sammie is watching me.
"Are you not going to pass me one?" She laughs and I pick up two more drinks handing one to Sammie and then Jackson, who both smile appreciatively.

I need to stop being so paranoid I should know by now that Sammie isn't going to judge me she isn't like that. Jackson leads us through the maze of bodies into the kitchen and the further I walk inside this house the more nervous I become.
"Okay Baby I'm going to have to find the boys and see what it is they want me to do, I won't be to long." He quickly kisses her cheek before he turns and gets lost in the crowds.

"Right let's find something stronger you look like you need it as much as I do." She scans the counters and finds us a bottle of vodka hidden behind a stack of red cups. Twisting the cap off she brings the bottle to her lips and gulps down a healthy dose. I watch her in shock as she pulls the bottle away and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

"What you didn't think I could drink? Liv I'm in my second year do you really think I kept myself locked away studying the whole time?" She hands out the bottle for me to take and I wrap my eager fingers around the neck of the bottle following her lead.
"I guess I did, I mean... I suppose I didn't get to know you well enough before, your just full of surprises!"

Laughing we fill two red cups up for each of us and dilute the potent taste with some coke.
"Liv I didn't think you were going to come after you ghosted me this week!" Abz's sing song voice shouts over the music as she makes her way over to us.
"Yeh I'm sorry about that I guess I've been buisy lately. I hadn't planned to come untill tonight it was kind of a last minute decision."

"In all fairness I had to literally drag her here." Sammie joins in with the conversation clinking her cup against mine letting me know that she's got my back.
"Oh well it's good to see you anyway I'm glad you came and I'm sorry about the whole coffee shop drama. Meghan can be a complete bitch sometimes."
Memories of the embarasment I felt come flooding back and I knock back one of my drinks draining its contents before I disgard it .

"Well at least we know who to stay clear of from now on. Anyways it was nice to meet you but were going to go see if we can find our friend." Sammie loops her arm through mine and pulls me towards the lounge area before Abz can even answer. We instantly spot Jackson with a group of what I assume to be is his frat brothers.

"There you are!" Jackson instantly pulls Sammie into his arms and she stands proudly at his side, planting a kiss against his cheek.
"Boys this is my girl Sammie and her best mate Liv." Sammie smiles up at him pleased with his introduction and I can't help but smile for her.

"Liv? I didn't know you was here if I had known I wouldn't of stayed here talking to these douchebags." Charlie appears from the centre of the group of boys giving me the most charming smile he can muster.
His arm encircles me and he rests his hand against the bare skin of my back.

Bringing the red cup to my mouth I begin to drink heavily before replying.
"I'm sorry I haven't answered your messages I've been buisy, I was supposed to get back to you but I kind of forgot."
"It's fine your here now that's what matters and you got your hair cut? How is it possible you look even more gorgeous."

I feel my cheeks heat up from his complement and go to take another drink to hide my embarresment only to find my cup already empty.
"Looks like your in need of another refill how about I grab a bottle and we can chill on the couch." I mean it would be awkward if it was just me and Charlie but if there's a group of us it won't be so bad and it saves us from the kitchen trips.

"Sounds like a good plan." I finally agree.
"Don't go anywhere I'll be right back."
Sammie taps me on the shoulder to gain my attension.
"Well he's cute!" She shouts too loudly and I roll my eyes at the plot that's undoubtedly forming in her head.

"It's not like that Sammie he's going to bring us some drinks in, you know the job that your boyfriend's supposed to do." I purposely call over her shoulder gaining Jackson's attension.
"Hey now don't go around saying I don't do my job it's not my fault this one is so damn distracting." I giggle at his jesting along with Sammie.

We make our way over to the couches and that's when I see him, Jace. Lounged back without a care in the world with some random blonde curled into his side. I tear my eyes away and become conflicted about what I should do. Sammie doesn't seem to notice my inner turmoil and drags me to sit on the opposite facing couch and that's when she finally spots him.

"Ohhh shit." she hisses, leaning closer to my ear she begins to whisper.
"Should we go Liv?" Without realising I've already made my mind up I answer.
"No I'm not going anywhere I'm here with you to have fun and that's what I'm going to do. I've done nothing wrong to hide away for." In honesty I think the alcohol is the reason for my new found bravery but I'll go with it anyway.

Jackson joins us seating himself on the arm of the couch next to Sammie and a few of his frat brother join him claiming a seat on the floor.
"I hope you don't mind but I bought the whisky I had to literally fight for this so you better be bloody greatful." Charlie's voice reappears beside me and he settles himself next to me on the faded couch.

"Well I'm disappointed that I missed out on watching that one but I promise I'm very greatful." I suddenly feel a set of eyes burn onto my skin, I know Jace is watching by the way my body reacts but I dare not look up to see. Charlie places the mixer down onto the overcrowded coffee table along with a stack of red cups.
Sammie leans forward making her presence known.
"Charlie this is my friend Sammie by the way and I take you already know who Jackson is."

"It's nice to meet you Sammie and ofcorse Jackson's one of my brothers now."
"Well it's nice to meet one of Liv's friends how long have you two known each other anyway?" I can hear from the tone in Sammie's voice that she's settled on trying to become some kind of wing woman to me tonight and I shift uncomfortably in my seat at the prospect.

"Well in honesty we haven't known each other that long but I'm hoping I get the chance to get to know her better." Even though he's answering Sammie's question he seems to be focused on telling me. Feeling increasingly more uncomfortable by the second I decide I need to divert the topic.
"So who wants a drink then!?" I call out to the group. Overwhelmingly everyone begins to call out there drink orders and I begin to help Charlie mix them and hand them out to everyone, well almost everyone.

"What don't I get one?" And that's when I look up and instantly regret my decision. His eyes are blazing into mine with such intensity that I can't help but squirm in my seat. He seats himself upright, leaning his body forward and that's when I notice that the blonde he was occupied with has now left his side.
"Of course man you didn't ask." Thankfully Charlie answers him for me and pours out a drink for Jace, leaning across the table to pass it to him. When Jace doesn't retrieve it from him he awkwardly places it back down.

I tip my cup back trying to look everywhere but in his direction and end up finishing my drink off far too quickly. I reach out for the bottle of whisky and pour much more in than Charlie had previously done before.
"Woah slow down there we don't want you ending up passed out." I stop what I'm doing once I realise that all eyes are on me.

"I'm pretty sure she can handle herself Charlie you don't need to worry about it." Sammie voice has an annoyed edge to it and I can't quite figure out if she's annoyed by Charlie's comment or by Jace's presence, perhaps it's both. Either way this night has taken a massively awkward turn and it looks like the worst case scenario is going to play itself out.

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