chapter 4

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I wake in my plush white double bed, I barely got any sleep last night which seems to be becoming a pattern for me lately. Grabbing the remote from the empty space beside me, I switch on the television and put on a random channel. I'm not ready to pull my body away from the comfort and warmth of my bed yet.

I hear my phone buzz across the wooden dresser next to me. Reaching for it I can see Charlie's calling but it's to fucking early to talk to him yet so I choose to dodge his call. Instead I decide to finally open up the unread messages that seem to always plague my inbox.

"Babe what are you upto? I've missed you! Did you wanna meet up tonight? I'm back at my dorm now or maybe I can come to yours? Call me when you get this."

Suddenly wishing that I hadn't, I select delete all and rid myself of the unwanted words, not wanting to see the rest. Meghan seriously doesn't know when to stop, I've been dodging her advances for weeks but it's never ending!

We only fucked the once and it wasn't bad but there's no way I want a repeat performance from her. I was fucked out of my mind and she was there ready and waiting. The girls not even my damn type she was just easy, a convenience for me at the time.

Ever fucking persistent, Charlie calls me for a second time. Deciding that he's not going to take the hint and leave me alone I answer.
"Damn someone's happy this morning!" His voice drips with sarcasm but who the fuck is actually happy in the morning? Obviously fucking Charlie is.

"What do you want?"
"I was just reminding you that the freshman are coming today." Is he kidding? That's why he's been calling me.
"Why would I even give a shit about that?"
"Because there's a bunch of hot emotional girls here who are going to need a shoulder to cry on."

The last few years me and Charlie would hang out at the front of campus, deciding who we would want from the new girls and making it our goal to fuck them, kind of like a game really. I'm done with it, I can already have sex when I want to, without the issues that these overly sensitive, innocent girls always seem to cause.

They always get to attached and I'm not about that, I can't think of anything worse than getting tied down into a relationship. It's all bullshit anyway no couple remains happily ever after, there's no such thing.

They all end up lying and cheating, damaging each other and the people around them and I should know I'm a byproduct of that hell.

"I'm not doing that shit Charlie if that's what you want to do then crack on but I'm not going to be your wingman."
"You're a shit wingman anyway you always take them off of me!" I hear his laugh cackle down the phone and I try to suppress my own.

Me and Charlie are complete opposites, he's like the all American poster boy with his preppy good looks and I'm well... I'm me. Decked out in black and covered in tattoos. I don't even try but the girls seem to be attracted to me anyway, apparently females like assholes which isn't a problem for me.

When I don't answer Charlie continues to ramble on.
"Well don't worry about the girls then just come down and meet me later and we'll go for a drink at Jimmys'." Liking the sounds of that plan better I give in and agree. Dragging my body from the bed I head to the shower to get ready for the day ahead.

I pull up into the campus and drive towards the student parking lot where Charlie said he'd be. Of course he's bought most of the crew along and of course he had to bring Meghan too, even though he's aware I'm avoiding her and that's probably why he's done it, prick!

She became a cling on to quickly and I knew I had to cut her loose as fast as I'd fucked her. She looks like she's on her way out clubbing wearing fishnets and high heeled boots, black denim cut-offs barely cover her up and a tight tank top pushes up her barely there tits. Is she even aware it's just the afternoon? she's probably too high to have a fucking clue.

I spot a space where they're waiting and a shitty old white Toyota that's parked close by. I'm annoyed at Charlie for bringing Meghan so I decide to be a dick and park as close as I can to the other car without damaging my baby.

Not that I even need an excuse to be a dick, I'm just hoping that someones asshole parents come out after crying there goodbyes, gets pissed when they see me and reacts so I can kick off.

I'm need of a good shouting match to take some of this fucking tension off of me, fucking Charlie. As if knowing what I was thinking he opens the passenger side door and flashes his teeth in a wide smile, his green eyes are surrounded by red, yep he's high as fuck.

"Look who I found." He gestures towards Meghan and laughs.
"Well I wish you would fucking loose her again." He shakes his head at my comment and offers me the joint in his hand.

"No. I'm Good I'm driving." I state.
"Since when did you start turning down a smoke?"
"Since I don't want to drive high and get stuck here with you lot."

"Man you should of been here to see all the new girls arriving." He whistles as if to punctuate how fine these girls were, which I highly doubt every years the same.

New girls feining innocence but I know better, they're all the same. Noticing my disinterest he jumps back out of the car leaving space for fucking Meghan to duck into.

"Hey baby long time no see." She coos, her eyelids are lined heavily with black, making the blue of her eyes stand out even amongst the red surrounding them.
"Yeah well thats because I didn't want to see you." I answer truthfully.

She flips her bleach stained hair to one side and trys to pout playfully as if she's not bothered, when we both know full well that she is.
"Well why don't you come by my dorm room then and I'll give you a reason to want to see me." This girl really has no self respect and I try not to laugh in her face.

"No I'm good." I turn away to look out the window hoping she takes the hint, not expecting an attractive, pissed off looking girl to be leaning down and looking at me. What the fuck! Where the hell did she pop up from?

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