chapter 25

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Jace pulls away, he seems to be always doing that.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't of done that." Why is he apologizing to me? I want this.
"You don't need to be sorry I wanted to kiss you." My favourite dimpled smile creeps onto his face smoothing away his worry.

He kisses the top of my head then quickly pulls back, pushing his hand through his hair. He looks Suddenly embarrassed by making the sweet gesture.

"Do you want something to drink or eat?" I know what I really want but perhaps tonight isn't a good time for it. It would be wrong to use him to forget what's going on inside of me wouldn't it?
"Yes can I just get a glass of water please?"

He nods and lifts me off of his lap placing me back down onto the bed. I feel lost without the warmth of his body against mine. Jace leaves the room and I climb under the covers wanting the comfort it will provide. I snuggle into the pillows suddenly feeling tired from the long day's events.

What is the time anyway? I lean over to Jace's side of the bed to check the alarm clock 1:50 urgh. I lay my body back down feeling sleep beginning to call me.
"Your not asleep already are you?" Jace's voice fills my mind.

"Mmm not yet." He laughs at my response and I hear him place the glass of water next to the cabinet beside me. Pulling my body forwards I grab the glass and tip it to my lips the cold refreshing water feels heavenly on my dry throat.

Jace climbs into the bed next to me, remote in hand and switches on the television.
"What do you want to watch?" Nothing, hell I'd be happy to go asleep right about now.
"To be honest I'll probably fall asleep but you can put something on though." He flips it on to a random channel turning the volume down low and lays back against the pillows beside me.

Without thinking I turn on my side and lay my head against his chest, his breath catches and his body stiffens in reaction. I pull away embarrassed, but he grabs me at my waist to stop me from moving further away.
"No don't, come back." He pulls me back to his body again tucking his arm underneath me encircling me.

As I lay my head onto his shoulder I bury my face into his neck. I lift my leg resting it on top of his and his hand moves to hold onto my thigh, sending chills rippling throughout my body. I hear him softly groan into my hair smelling his scent on me.

"Goodnight Olivia."
"Night Jace." I feel him smile against me as I drift off to sleep in his arms.

I awake feeling exhausted, why am I still not asleep? I feel a heaviness on my body and peel my eyes open to look down. Jace's is sprawled across me, his head resting on my chest. He looks perfect, his messy hair is falling over his forehead and soft snores fall from his parted mouth.

I can't help myself, I push the hair from his face surprised by how soft it is, I continue to comb my fingers through it and my eyes become drawn to the rose tattoo peeking out on his neck. I haven't paid much attention to the other tattoos that fill his arms but this one always catches my attention.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I push the pillow behind my head a little more so I can see better without disturbing him. His arm is hanging over me holding on to my shoulder and I begin to take in all his tattoos in view to me for the first time. On his hand I notice a large swallow tattoo flying towards the skin between his fingers and thumb, I vaguely remember seeing this on the other hand aswell.

A large tattoo fades into his shirt sleeve, from what I can see at the top it looks to be a set of bars surrounded by the sun, clouds line beneath them with the suns beams shining through but then it begins turning into shaded and angry looking curls of smoke. Below them dark flames of fire lick upwards from his wrist to his forearm, Heaven and hell how ironic.

Absent-mindedly I begin tracing my fingers along the carefully inked out lines.
"Mmm what are you doing?" His voice is thick with sleep and I pull my hand away embarrassed by waking him and getting caught out.

No don't stop." I chew on my lip and begin retracing the lines again why didn't I care to look before? I want to see more.

Now I have permission I move to my favourite tattoo, the rose on his neck. I draw my fingers over it softly, admiring how the sharp thorns suit the darkened flower perfectly, it reminds me of Jace. He lifts his head up resting his chin against me, his eyes blaze into me with darkened intensity, I could almost squirm under his gaze.

"I wouldn't keep doing it to that one if I were you." What? But he said I could.
"Why?" He places his hands on either side of the bed next to me and pushes himself between my legs. I feel the hardness of his arousal pressing against me, separated only by the thin material we both wear.

"Oh..." Is the only response I can think of in my hormone raging mind.
"See what you fucking do to me Olivia?" I usually hate being called that but the way he just said it makes gooseflesh rise over my skin.

Doesn't he see the effect that he has on my body either?
"What do you want Olivia?"
"I want you." I don't know how far I'm willing to go with him but I'm excited to find out.

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