chapter 9

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I should of just stayed put in my damn car and waited for Charlie as I'd planned. I can't believe she just fucking shoved me! I hadn't expected the force behind the blow and I had to stop myself from falling over on my ass.

I knew she looked pissed when I spotted her, her eyebrows were pulled together in a frown and a large brown stain covered her white top, she looked comical.

I couldn't resist winding her up even more, especially after the embarrassment she made me feel. What I didn't expect was for her to unleash her full fury on me.

Who the fuck does she think she is? She doesn't just get to keep getting away with it and running off when she's done! The thought just pisses me off even more.

I watch her body disappear into the dorms entrance and without thinking about it my legs race to catch up. I follow further behind, through the twisting corridors untill she reaches a door and unlocks it. She hasn't even noticed me following her.

She probably thinks I've stomped off again like last time and that she's won, not fucking likely, not this time. I feel my anger rising and pulsing behind my ears and as she stomps into her room and goes to slam the door but I block it with my boot before it can close.

She spins around with wild eyes when she registers the sound the door didn't make. I step further into the room closing the door behind me and her eyes narrow in response.
"You fucking followed me? Get out!" She shouts throwing her arms out at her sides.

"No, you don't get to run away." Not this time.
"You really can't take a hint can you? you really are as thick as you look!" Ouch, she must of had a shit day, either that or she's just a bitch. I take a step towards her pointing my finger towards her face.

"You don't get to talk to me like that not again! You fucking pushed me! Then run away to your room and hide!" I struggle to put all my thoughts into a sentence and now I'm yelling too.

"I'm warning you t..." as soon as she begins that rediculous sentence I interrupt her.

"Warning me? Who the fuck do you think you are exactly?" She cocks her eyebrow at my questions and her brown eyes ignite turning into that fiery shade of amber with her anger. They begin to trace over my face igniting a burning sensation on my skin.

She walks closer to me almost closing the space between us and I feel that currant radiating again, full of anger and tension. She leans her face upwards towards mine breathing heavily with her full lips slightly parted.
"Me?.. I'm the girl that doesn't take your shit." Take my shit? If anyone is it's me.

"Your fucking crazy you know that don't you?" A slow smile spreads over her face in response.
"You have no idea." I believe her.
I've never met a girl like her, I can't read her in the slightest.

She's like a ticking time bomb of emotion ready to blow up at any minute. Her large eyes are pouring into me maybe searching for answers to her own questions. I can't help but wonder if she's always this angry or is it just me that brings it out of her?

"You should go." She breaks my thoughts but I don't attempt to move. Do I want to go? Not yet I'm not done.
"I want an apology first Olivia." She told me her name was Liv and I assumed it was short for Olivia.

Redness begins to spread across her face and her brows knit together again in a frown, which tells me that Olivia is in fact her name and she hates it.

"Don't call me that! I'm not apologising to you!" And as quick as that her mood has switched yet again, only this time it's my turn to laugh and I finally feel like I've gained some control back from her.

"Well I'm not moving untill you do Olivia and if you don't then I'll assume that's your way of telling me you want me to stay."
"Get out!" She screams, I can't help but laugh again at her frustration but then she surprises me and pushes me for the second time today.

I instantly grab a hold of her arm as I fall backwards colliding into the wall bringing her along with me. I turn myself so I'm now standing directly Infront of her. Leaning my body firmly into her own. I use my body weight to pin her against the wall, placing my hands on either side of her arms.

"I told you not to push me didn't I?"
"I told you to leave." She counters but her voice betrays her loosing the it's sharp edge. I feel her chest rising and falling with heavy breaths against mine and her eyes become softer as she stares at me. Her beautiful dark hair is wild and swept across her face, begging me to reach out and feel it's softness.

Being this close, I've only just noticed how beautiful she actually looks in this moment. I remove one hand from her arm and finally reach out to sweep her hair from her cheek ever so gently with my fingertips, her eyes never leave mine.

Fuck it. I grab the side of her face and collide my lips into hers roughly. Her full lips mould to mine, instantly kissing me back and I feel a wave of electricity flow from her and into me, bringing me to life. She moves her free hand to grab around the nape of my neck, pulling me in closer to her body, filling any space that's left between us.

Liv's warm tongue sweeps along the inside of my bottom lip, asking for permission to gain access into my mouth. I let her in and she consumes me, deepening the kiss further. She groans into my mouth telling me that she's as hungry for me as I am for her and I feel my cock strain against my jeans in response.

I let go of her arm and roughly grab hold of her perfectly round ass, lifting her body off the ground with ease and up to straddle my waist. Her legs instantly wrap around my torso tightly, I'm barely managing to hold on to what's left of my self control. I'm so glad she has this little skirt on and I can't help but wonder if she can feel my hard on pressed up against her.

She joins her other hand to the back of my head and pulls at my hair earning a groan of my own.
"Fuck...Liv..." My words must bring her crashing back to reality because her body stiffens and then comes to a complete stop. She pulls away, her lips are left swollen and her cheeks are flushed from the intensity of our kiss but her eyes are wide in panic.

"I can't do this..what am I doing?" She breathes out the words to herself more than to me and climbs down from my body back to the ground.
"You need to leave." She won't look at me, why? what changed?
"Liv?" she holds her hand up to stop me as I move forward.
"Just leave." She repeats again. More firmly this time and she turns her back to face away from me.

"Liv?" I try again but she ignores me. What the fuck just happened? I stare at the back of her head for a few more moments and when she doesn't attempt to speak or move, I turn towards the door to leave. With one last glance back over at her, I slam the door shut behind me confused as ever. She's fucking crazy and I'm fucking done with it.

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