chapter 27

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We don't move still coming down from the intensity of our intimate moment together. we hold onto one another waiting for our breathing to return to a normal pace. I make the first move, wiping Jace's release from my hand onto the bottom of my already dampened shirt.

"Well that was...nice." really Liv? That's doesn't even begin to describe how it felt, obviously my brain hasn't reconnected itself yet.
"Just nice?" He pulls his face back and his eyes are dancing with amusement.

"No I mean..I.." I don't know why but I suddenly feel embarrassed even after what we just did. I go to cover my hands over my face as a deep blush sets in but he grabs ahold of my wrists stopping me.

"I think what you mean to say is, that it was fucking amazing and I completely blew your mind." He wiggles his dark eyebrows at me making me giggle in response.

"Well don't you think alot of yourself."
"How can I not when I just had you screaming out my name." Not having the use of my hands to hide in, I push my face down against his firm shoulder.

"Oh my god stop!"
"That isn't what you was just saying!" His body shakes as laughter errupts from him, the sound fills the room bouncing on the walls. I love hearing him laugh like this and then realise I've only heard him do it once before, when I came here for the first time.
"I'm going to take a shower if that's okay?"

"No you can't! you have to stay like this for the rest of the day now, sorry." I push at his chest, rolling my eyes at his mocking and begin climbing off of him, realising that I still have nothing on other than his shirt.

Thankfully when I stand off the bed it pools just below the top of my thighs covering my nudity up.
Jace readjusts himself back into his pants and slides over to the side of the bed so he's sitting directly Infront of me. Those mesmerising eyes rake over every inch of my body, his tonuge peeks out rolling across his lips.

"I like seeing you like this, you look so fucking sexy right now." His arms wrap around the lower half of my body pulling me back to him again. His face is level to my stomach and he peers up at me through thick black lashes. Fuck.

"I might just make you scream my name again standing right here, your making me crazy you know that don't you?" The thought that I have this power over him makes my stomach flutter, I'm glad I can make him feel as turned on as he does me.

"We can't stay in bed all day I need to head back to my dorm, classes start tomorrow and I'm seriously unprepared." Excuses! my inner voice calls me out. In truth there's nothing more I'd like to do than stay here with him but I promised myself to give this whole new start a try, I've already fucked up so I need to get back on track. Okay...I'm making excuses.

"Who said anything about the bed? Classes are tomorrow not now let me make you forget, you know I'm good at it." He slides his hands up to the very tops of my thighs and begins massaging his thumbs along them dangerously close to where his mouth once was.

An involuntary gasp falls from my lips and I steady myself by holding onto his broad shoulders. How does he have so much power over my body? I can't think straight when Im with him, he invades every single one of my senses.

I bend down to his face running my fingers through his thick, black unruly hair. Our lips are almost touching and he goes to kiss me but I pull back a little keeping the distance.
"Don't start teasing me now." He demands his voice now husky but I do just that.

My lips close around his bottom lip and I gently suck it into my mouth biting down and earning a moan from Jace. I roll the tip of my tongue across his lip to soothe the sting, then pull away, pushing him backwards so he's laying back on the double bed.

His eyes have lost all colour, blown out by his pupils, his chest rises and falls heavily in anticipation of what I'm about to do next. I love seeing him like this and I feel almost guilty, almost.

I take my chance and turn, running out of the bedroom towards the bathroom in fits of uncontrollable laughter, I hear his feet connect with the wood of the floor as he chases after me.
"Oh no you don't you little tease!" He calls out after me and Is he giggling?

I reach the bathroom and quickly shut the door behind me locking it as he pulls on the handle.
"I can't believe you just did that, you know you've got to come out sometime and when you do you'll have to finish what you've started."

My stomach tightens at the thought of a repeat performance and I quickly undress and turn on the water to stop myself from unlocking the door right now.

I stand under the stream of steaming hot water enjoying the feeling on my skin. I love being able to take a private shower here, I can never enjoy it as much in the dorms.

So I take my time cleaning away any traces of the dirty things I've done with Jace this morning. How is it even possible that we've only known each for such a small amount of time?

I feel like I've always known him. Last night seems so long ago like it hadn't really happened. He became my unsuspecting anchor preventing me from get washed away by the darkness inside my mind and this morning...I mean I've been with someone before I did have a boyfriend but this was different.

The way it felt, the intoxicating intensity of being with him is nothing like I've ever experienced or thought I would. I've heard that lust is a powerful thing, making people do all kinds of crazy things but this just feels like so much more than that and at the moment I can't quite wrap my head around it.

Once I've finished cleaning and rinsing out the shampoo from my hair, I climb out grabbing the towel that I used from the night before. Shit! I didn't bring any clothes in with me! I was so wrapped up in my little game I forgot that I actually needed to wear any.

I glance down at the shirt I was wearing before and scrunch up my nose, well I'm definitely not wearing that! Sucking in a large breath I quietly unlock and open the door hoping not to attract Jace's attension with the sound. As I step through the doorway, with the towel pulled tightly around my damp body, I see that Jace has infact been waiting for me.

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