chapter 15

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I'm curled up in the passenger seat of Jace's car and I'm greatful that he picked out something comfortable for me to wear. We sit for the short drive mostly in silence sharing a few glances and smiles whilst listening to the radio.

I turn through the stations and smile in delight when the Foo Fighters comes through the speakers playing my favourite song 'Everlong'. Jace turns to look at me studying my face with humour.

"You like the Foo Fighters?"
"Of course doesn't everybody? But let me guess your the exception?" I roll my eyes at him playfully and he smirks back looking at the road.
"You shouldn't assume anything about me Olivia."

He says it jokingly but I can tell he's being serious and in all honesty I had him marked as an asshole the moment I layed eyes on him but the way he acted last night and this morning has proved me wrong.

Maybe I don't know him at all. Maybe just like me he only shows people what he wants them to see and that I can understand. We pull into the parking lot of Jimmy's and when we spot my shitty, beat up Toyota we park up next to it.

I reluctantly pull myself out of my comfortable position and close the door behind me, making my way to the bar with Jace following close beside me.

This time the stench of stale alchole and cigarettes isn't as inviting, it makes my stomach turn. The familiar face of Linda greets me when I walk towards the counter and I can't help but smile at her warmth.
"Hey sugar how was the party?" She asks returning my smile.

"Yeah it was a lot of fun although my head doesn't agree with me right now."
"Well I'm not surprised after the amount you drank in here. From the look of you I never expected you to be able to knock back so much on your own."

Really Linda? She laughs at her comment but I cringe hoping that Jace hasn't paid attension. Somehow I don't think getting trashed in a bar on my own will be considered a good look and it was a truth I wanted to hide.

"You did what?" Jace rounds on me an irritated tone replacing the playful one from earlier and I can tell he's giving me a disaproving look but I don't make the eye contact with him to find out.

"Where's Charlie? The way you two were looking at each other last night I would have assumed you'd be here with him instead of this one." Shut up Linda! I hear Jace groan at her comment and mumble something under his breath to himself.

"Erm I'm not sure, I left the party early I think he must of stayed." I hadn't actually even thought of Charlie when I'd left. I didn't even say goodbye he must think I'm a bitch. does he know I left with Jace? I hope not.

"So you left with this one then aye? It's not that boy you was telling me about last night I hope?" What the fuck Linda! I thought we were friends! Don't bartenders have a code of confidentiality or something! I reluctantly take a peek at Jace and his mouth is hanging open, grey eyes blazing towards an unfazed Linda.

"What did she say about me? She wasn't complaining last night I can assure you that." Oh my god why did he just say that! I remember I'm wearing the clothes he gave me, his scent is still fresh on my skin.

I know what this must look like and I flush red in embarrassment.
"Anyway I think I left my purse here last night." That's what I should have said in the beginning rather than let Linda spill last nights secrets to Jace.

"No you didn't I saw you leave with it." What? Did I?
"Are you sure?"
"Yes you was the one drinking Hun not me. You got picked up from here last night right? Did you leave it in the car or are you sure you didn't loose it at the party?"

I definitely didn't have it on me at the party. Did I leave it in the car? The haze in my brain doesn't allow me to think.
"Oh well thanks anyway, I suppose I'll just have to check again."

I turn to leave walking straight into Jace's firm body. I glance up at him but his eyes won't meet mine, he looks angry so I decide to side step around him making my way back out to the parking lot. I'm thankful to be back in the fresh air and away from the awkward atmosphere.

Making my way over to Jace's car, I press my hands against the window of the back seat where I sat last night and peer inside. Sure enough my purse is sitting on the floor, fuck!

"Well is it there?" Jace calls out walking towards me.
"Yeah." I feel so embarrassed, I made such a drama about it last night and it was here all along. I open the door after Jace unlocks the car and retrieve it, digging around inside I pull out my phone.

Five missed calls and two texts from Sammie, shit.
"You did this on purpose didn't you?" Jace accuses and I'm sure my face is displaying the shock I feel inside right now.
"Did what on purpose?" I need him to clarify.

"Act like you didn't fucking know where it was to make me feel sorry for you, just so you could come back to mine!" What the actual fuck! Is he serious right now? That doesn't even make any sense.
"I didn't know where it was I had too much to drink! but incase you need reminding I never asked to come back to yours, you asked me!"

"Too much to drink on your own you mean? I only asked because you spilled those crocodile tears to me about having no where to go. I wouldn't be surprised if this is part of your fucked up little game." Rage begins flooding through me like it does everytime I seem to be around him.

"What the fuck are you even talking about do you even realize how ridiculous you sound?"
"Dont..' His warning only seems to highten my rage even more.
"No come on Jace what fucking game am I supposed to be playing here? Because Im fucking clueless. I wish I knew where it was because then I wouldn't of been forced to stay with you!" My eyes flash to the bar, my easy escape. I tear my eyes away and back to Jace's face, he looks offended?

He doesn't have the right to be offended after what he just accused me of.
"Well don't you fucking worry I won't be making that mistake again!" His face begins to redden and a vein is visibly popping up underneath the black outline of the rose tattoo on his neck.

"Well neither will I!"
I promise myself this, I'm going to stay far away from this asshole from now on. All he seems to do is bring out the worst in me and push me into being a person I'm trying to no longer be. He walks back flinging open the door to the bar and I head towards my car.

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