chapter 8

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I walk into the large hall carrying the elixir of life that is coffee. I'm overwhelmed with the amount of eager bodies streaming Inside the doors and then I notice Sammie is no longer beside me.

I turn around standing on my toes trying to spot her over the bobbing heads flooding around me. No luck, maybe she remembers how fucking boring this was when she attended as a freshman and decided to ditch out before I could persuade her to stay.

I push through the crowds towards the benches lining one side of the hall, hoping I can claim a seat in the back where I can go unnoticed. As I make my way towards my chosen spot I can't help but already wonder how long this is going to take?

I don't want to be stuck in here all day the air is to thick from the heat and the thought of being sandwiched between sweaty bodies doesn't seem appealing to me in the slightest. Why is there no air conditioning?

"Fuckkk..." I'm literally shoved from my thoughts as some asshole falls into me spilling the contents of my coffee cup over me. I feel it burn its way down my chest and hiss in reaction. I glance down to survey the damage and cringe when I see that the full left side of my top is stained brown and now sodden.

"What the fuck! Are you kidding me!?" I'm met with shocked blue eyes and a worried expression from the coffee splasher.
"I'm sorry." He stutters an apology.

I immediately recognise the boy from my first day from the halls, that perfect boy and his fucking coordinated family.
"I...I.. didn't mean too s...someone pushed into me and I fell I'm so sorry." He apologizes again.

If I was a nice person I would politely laugh and accept his apology and maybe make a joke about it. Right now though I'm not feeling nice, in fact I wish I had enough coffee left in my cup to throw over his light blue dress shirt and tell him to fuck off.

He opens his mouth to let out another stuttering apology no doubt but I hold my hand up to stop him.
"It's fine." It's by no means fine. I'm pissed off and wet and have to sit through this damm orientation for god knows how long smelling the coffee I never got to drink.

People are beginning to stare and I want to revert back to my earlier plan of going unnoticed, instead of causing more of a scene.
I take a seat nearby no longer caring where I sit anymore and wait for this to be over with. Mr Perfect sits beside me leaning his body away from mine.

The awkward tension bounces between us as the speaker clears his throat and begins his speech. He welcomes all the new students and promises us that an amazing new experience awaits us all. In this moment I find that difficult to believe and roll my eyes at the comment.

Almost two hours have gone by when we are finally able to leave our seats. I hoped I could calm myself down in that time but I'm more riled up than I was before. I might as well have left at the beginning, everything that was mentioned just rebounded straight off of my brain. I've got to get out of here.

I grab my purse from the floor and jump out of my seat desperate to get some fresh air. I rush straight past Mr Perfect without so much as a glance and hear him sigh.

I squeeze my body past anyone standing in my path as I make a beeline towards the exit and hear random voices muttering
"To watch it" and "slow down." Keeping my gaze fixed firmly to the floor, I continue to push on.

When I finally reach outside a gentle breeze greets my skin and I take a deep breath filling my lungs with the fresh air. I can't wait to just get back to my dorm room now, I could do with a fucking drink and screaming out my frustration from the day into my pillow.

Somehow I don't think Sammie would approve of either. Feeling my phone vibrate I dig my hand into my purse and pray that my mother hasn't chosen now to try to contact me again. When I see Sammie's name appear I smile in relief.

Sorry I didn't say goodbye I lost you in the crowd. I hope you enjoyed it and made some more friends! I won't be back till later but I'll see you tonight to catch up x

I inwardly laugh at her mention of me making friends. My thumb's start to tap out a lie that it went well, when suddenly I feel a person standing over me.

"Rough day princess? you look like shit." I recognize the voice that belongs to Jace and the obnoxious name he's chosen to give me. I rip my eyes from my phone screen and tuck it back into my purse. I scan my eyes up his body noticing his knuckles are red and swollen, has he been fighting?

Then I see black markings on his skin peeking out from his sweatshirt on the left side of his neck. He has tattoos? My eyes finally rest on his face and I can tell he's been waiting for my response.
"I wonder what would give you that impression." I say as sarcastically as I can manage.

He gives a half smile in response allowing me to see a dimple appear on his cheek for the first time.
"You do know there is a facility for you to wash your clothes here right? I thought the new girls always liked to make an effort...but apparently not."

He only makes the anger continue to rage on throughout my body, I need to walk away right now. As I turn direction to begin my retreat, he responds by moving himself Infront of me blocking my path.
"Where are you going to in such a rush?"

"Away!" I snap, feeling my control beginning to slip away from me, my inner bitch claws her way to the surface.
"Away where? To wash your clothes? I presumed you'd have someone to do that for you princess."

He laughs loudly at himself as if it's the funniest thing he's ever heard. I turn in a different direction but he just side steps towards me again in amusement.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I scream surprising myself. He momentarily looks shocked by my outburst but recovers himself quickly, plastering that smirk upon his pouty lips.

"Nothings wrong with me, I'm just trying to have a conversation with you but your being a bitch about it." I know what he's doing and it's definitely not that.

"Well don't, you can see I'm far from interested so take the hint along with your conversation and go find someone who actually gives a shit!"

I push him hard and he stumbles to the side giving me the space that I need to get away from him and his mocking.
"And don't keep calling me princess! My name's Liv!" I scream out and continue to walk away without so much as a glance back.

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