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"Yoongi, I am sorry. You know I wanted to come to see you tonight, but this selfish boss of mines ain't even here." Jin whines as he walks into Taehyung's wine closet to get himself another bottle of wine.

"Jin, you said the same thing yesterday. I think you are playing games and it's fine if you don't want to date me, you can say it instead of keep using your job as an excuse it's getting lame now." Yoongi said, quite annoyed with Jin.

Jin pretends to like him but was doing nothing more than playing with his emotions. That's why he never went for extremely handsome men because all they did was play games with him. "Yoongi, babe, come on you have to believe me. You want me to facetime you so you can see I am at work?" Jin tried reasoning with Yoongi.

He had really like Yoongi and not for nothing Yoongi was packing, he didn't want to miss on that, but because of his selfish prick of a boss, he was about to have his relationship ended before it even started.

"Nah, forget it. You just playing games, I ain't got time. Call me back when you want something real." Yoongi said and hung up.

"Fuck you then!" Jin screamed at the phone.

"In my wine closet?" Taehyung says as he appeared in front of the door causing Jin to drop both his phone and the wine bottle he held in his hand.

"Mr. Kim, w-what are you doing here?" Jin stuttered out in shock as he took in the man before him.

"You mean, what am I doing in my home, standing in my wine closet?" Taehyung questions as he eyes Jin up and down who was wearing a pair of shorts with a shirt that barely covered his stomach. Taehyung shakes his head and looks back up at Jin.

"N-no, not that. I mean you aren't usually home at this time." Jin said as he tried gathering himself together. He was sure as shit he was going to be fired.

"I live here, Jin, I can come and go as I please."

"You are right sir, umm...I am sorry for being so loud just now. It's just that boyfriend got upset with umm...well and me, he's not my boyfriend anymore." Jin says letting out a deep sigh before turning his back to Taehyung and bending down to pick up his phone and thankfully the wine bottle that didn't break.

Taehyung gulped and turned his head as his eyes came into view with Jin's butt cheeks as he saw he bend to pick up his phone and wine bottle.

"I see, so you cope with your breakup by drinking out my wine and cursing in my house, don't you think that's a bit much with my daughter right upstairs? I don't believe I hired you to drink or curse in my home." Taehyung questions as Jin turns to look at him.

Jin grinds his teeth together trying his best not to curse out his boss, "Sir, with all due respect I don't think I was hired to work 24/7 seven days a week either, but here I am." Jin said while staring his boss up and down.

"Excuse me?" Taehyung said completely baffled by Jin's comment.

Jin took the wine bottle and walked passed Taehyung, "Your excused." he said as he walked towards the kitchen, nothing giving a shit if he upsets his boss. He was already pissed that Yoongi hung up on him and now his sorry ass of a boss wanted to lecture him about what he was or wasn't hired to do.

"Did you just walk away while I am talking to you?" Taehyung questions in disbelief.

"Let me guess, I was hired to stand still and listen to you talk nonsense?" Jin said, popping the wine bottle open and pouring some in a glass.

"Seokjin, you do realize I am your boss, right?" Taehyung said firmly as he pulled away the wine bottle from Jin.

Jin pulls back the wine bottle from Taehyung, "Sir, you do realize that I am off work, right?"

"More like you are fired!" Taehyung yells completely irritated by his baby's sitter attitude.

"Mr. Kim! Why do you have to go to such extreme, I was just playing around! What kind of boss fires a guy who just got dump by his boyfriend, would you really do that to me, Mr. Kim? If you fire me, then I am going to be homeless, and do you know what happens to homeless guys like me, Mr. Kim? Do you?" Jin said, putting the wine bottle down and pout his lips as if he was about to cry.

Taehyung blinks in confusion, he was puzzled if Seokjin was the same person that was giving him an attitude just seconds ago.

"What Seokjin?"

"They get rape and abuse!" Jin said and began crying. "You want me to get rape and abuse, don't you, Mr. Kim? All I have been doing is taking care of your precious Minji, and now you want to fire me and put me out on the street." Seokjin continues to put on a scene.

"J-Jin I-"

"It's okay, I will go. I will be a homeless, single, handsome guy who gets abuse all because of his employer." Jin cries and begins walking away slowly from Taehyung.

Taehyung runs his hands through his hair, "Seokjin, you are not fired." Taehyung said, shaking his head.

"I AM NOT?!" Jin said, turning back around, all tears gone and a big smile on his face.

"No, you are not."

"Gosh, you scared me, I need a drink." Jin said and walked his way back to the kitchen grabbing the wine bottle.  

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