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"How are you two related?" The nurse asked Taehyung, who had been sitting in a private waiting area, waiting on news regarding Jin. The medical staff had been giving him the run around over the last hour he had been there. He was waiting on Jimin to come so he could find out more about Jin's status.

"For the last time, I am his boss. He was bleeding and passed out, now I took him here, and I am trying to find out if he is okay! What's so hard in telling me what's wrong?" Taehyung frustration could be heard as he yelled at the nurse.

"Mr. Kim, I am really sorry, but we cannot disclose the person's health with you. You are not a family member. However, I can give you good news that he is doing fine and is now stable, so if you would like to go and see him, then you can come with me."

Taehyung cursed under his breath as he followed the nurse he wishes he had told them he was Jin's husband, then things wouldn't have been so difficult. This has been a disastrous morning, and he needed it to be over with. He was waiting on Jimin to come so he could leave. Hearing Jin was okay was enough of a relief for him, Jimin could take over and deal with his brother.

"Seokjin, Mr. Kim is here to see you." The nurse made an announcement as he walked into the room.

Jin hummed in response and kept his eyes focused everywhere else but at Taehyung. He was hoping his wish to have nothing disclosed was honored. Apparently, his bleeding after the abortion was normal, but he had placed too much stress on his body, which causes it to be worst than it was supposed to be. His iron had run low, which is what caused him to pass out, and now he was being placed on iron pills.

"What's wrong with you?" Taehyung questioned once the nurse had left the room.

"My iron ran low, but they are putting me on iron pills, so I will be okay."

"So, your iron being low caused you to bleed?" Taehyung asked, feeling a bit annoyed that Jin was evading the real reason why he was there.

"N-no, it didn't, and I don't want to talk about it. I can assure you I will be okay after today, and it's not something that will interfere with my work."

Taehyung hands balled up into a fist, and he chuckled to himself to rid a bit of the anger that was beginning to erupt within him, "Haven't whatever the fuck is going on with already interfered with your work? Look where you are right now when you are supposed to be at work. So, I am very confused by what you mean when you say this won't "interfere" with your work. As your boss, shouldn't I know what is going on with you? Don't you realize you doing what you want and acting however you want is not okay, especially when it is indeed interfering with your job?"

"As my BOSS, the only thing you need to know is that I will be okay to return to work. There is nothing more you need to know, and I honestly would appreciate it if you leave. Thank you for taking me here, but you are causing me unnecessary stress, and it's really not good for me right now. It's the same reason why I am here right now." Jin didn't have the strength to argue with Taehyung, especially not in a place that currently holds the secret he was keeping away from him.

"You are so unbelievable! I don't care how attached Minji is to you, I need to find someone else to take care of her, you are becoming too much. You are disrespectful and have absolutely no work ethic. I don't know if sleeping with you made you feel as though you have a right to talk to me the way you do, but you don't. It was only one night, a night I am not willing to repeat, so don't think because of that you somehow gain some status within my home, and it now becomes okay for you to disrespect me." Taehyung was done with Jin and his behavior. He was mad that Jin wouldn't disclose what was going on with him.

Jin shakes his head and lets out a laugh, "Trust me, Taehyung; I don't think sleeping with you gave me any kind of status. I can't tell you how much I am disgusted with myself and regretted that night but thank you for letting me know you felt the same. At least now I don't feel so bad doing what I did." Jin didn't care anymore if Taehyung was going to continue hurting him with his words, then so was he.

"What is that suppose to mean? What do you mean by that?"

"Well, if you really want to know, it goes something like this. You and I had a regrettable one night stand that neither of us wants to repeat. It was sex and nothing more, right? Well, unfortunately, you and I were stupid and didn't use protection. I got pregnant after our night together, but please don't be alarmed, I aborted it before it could come into this world and become a burden for either one of us."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Taehyung voiced roared in anger as he stared at Jin, almost as though he wanted to kill him.

Jin smirked and stared at the man before him, "It was a night you didn't want to repeat right? So, I took care of the problem that would've surface 9 months after. I believe the appropriate word you are looking for is thank you?"

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