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"Have anyone ever told you that you are the true definition of an asshole? 'I don't know if I am in any position to ask this of you, but I am hoping you would consider, not for me, but for her?' Do you really hear yourself when you talk, or is your head stuck that far up your ass that you can't?

I might be everything you just describe, it's true, I am heartless, a liar, selfish, reckless, possibly a scammer, potential killer, oh and let's not forget, I am a whore, and whatever other words you would like to dig up out of the dictionary to use to describe me. But one thing I am not and is that I am not blinded by my flaws, but you are so fucking self-righteous that you can point out everything that is wrong with me, but not yourself. Talking about you will put your pride aside, do you even know what it means to do that?

You are hoping I considering returning to be Minji's babysitter for her, but not for you? Do you even make sense besides Minji, who else would be benefitting from this, me? Sure as hell not, it's you! In case you didn't realize your daughter is your problem, not mines! If you weren't prepared to be a parent you should've told your husband to have a fuc-"

Jin stopped what he was about to say as soon as he saw Minji standing by the hallway looking straight at him. He could see how red and puffy her eyes were, and it literally shattered everything within him. He had already been feeling like shit over the past few months; this was only making things worse for him.

Jin stepped passed Taehyung and walked over to where Minji was standing. He kneeled down to her level and pulled her into a hug, "Minji baby, please give us a moment, sweetie. I am sorry if you heard any of what I just said. Jin is just really upset right now, but it has nothing to do with you. I love you, dearly, and I want you to know that no matter what, okay?"

Minji wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered an okay as she cried. They stayed like that for a moment until Jin was able to send her back into the room she was in.

Taehyung stood and watched from a distance, not knowing what to do. He really wanted to kick Jin out of his home, but every time he considered how much of a failure he was to his daughter, he changed his mind.

"If I come back to being her babysitter, I will not sleepover. I will only babysit from seven to seven on weekdays, which only applies when she is out of school. When she is in school, I will arrive here in time to prepare her breakfast and take her to school, and I will pick her back up and prepare dinner, along with making sure she is good for bed. On weekends ten to seven. I will require the same compensation as before and five weeks of vacation. I will no longer be cleaning your home or preparing meals for you, hire a maid if you require that type of service.

My meals and gas should always be paid for by you during the times that I am taking care of Minji. If you are okay with these conditions, then we can discuss the possibility of me coming back to work for you. Any conditions you have, I would like to hear them now and not later at your convenience."

To say Taehyung was taken back by Jin's conditions was an understatement. There was no way he could be home to Minji by seven every day. Most days, he didn't get home until close to midnight because of how busy he was with work.

"Jin, I think you know that it's hard for me to be home by seven. Can you give me some flexibility when it comes to that? What if I drop her to school in the morning and you start later and leave later. For example, during school time, you can start your day when you pick her up from school, and then you can leave when I get home? I am sure she is also going to need help with her homework and other stuff."

Jin couldn't help but burst out into a fit of laughter, "You are indeed something else! Taehyung, I am not your spouse, I am not your boyfriend. Minji is not my daughter. I owe you nothing! What you are requesting is for me to make a compromise so you can benefit, and with me agreeing to be her babysitter again is the only kind of benefit you will be getting out of this. You are in no position to request what you are asking of me. Further, someone as reckless as myself shouldn't be out past eight at night.

You have a daughter, and she is your responsibility. You need to figure out how you are going to get home on time to be there for her. Stop trying to find a backfill for what your husband's role was in Minji's life and start doing your role as a parent!"

Taehyung looked at Jin as though he wanted to kill him, but Jin didn't care. He knew Taehyung didn't like him, and he didn't like him either. He knew he should've refused to go back, but deep down, he knew he was at fault for a lot of what had happened, and Minji shouldn't have to suffer because of the two of them.

"What about when I travel out of town? Are you able to make exceptions then, or will I need to find someone to babysit her during that time?"

"She can stay with me when you are out of town if you require my service then."

"Where do you live?"

"In a house." Jin rolled his eyes and responded with sarcasm.

"Interesting, and here I thought you were living on the streets."

"Wouldn't that make you happy."

"Nothing about you would ever make me happ-"

"I am hungry!" Minji comes back out of the room and into the living area where Jin and Taehyung was. "Jinnie, can you make me something to eat, please?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"That depends on your father."


A/N: These two certainly have a long way to go. I know a few of you have stated if you were Jin you wouldn't go back, me either, but if Jin doesn't go back might as well I end the book here. 

There is a reason why the book is titled "Minji's Sitter" and not something else. 

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