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"Jinnie, get dress." Minji burst into Jin's room and shouts out to him.

"Minji, I told you to knock before you enter someone's room, didn't I?"

"Sorry." Minji said and lowered her head before looking back up back in excitement, "Daddy said we are going to the movies so to tell you to get ready."

Jin looked at Minji perplexed; no way was he going anywhere with Taehyung. Especially not after how he acted earlier. If he didn't know better, he would say Taehyung was drinking at work. "You guys go on without me, I am going to stay here."

"No, I want you to come. Daddy said he wants you to come too. Please can you come?" Minji runs over to Jin and pulls at his hand.

"Minji we can go out tomorrow, spend some time with your dad tonight," Jin encourages Minji and pulls his hand away from her.

"She wants all of us to go to the movies together." Taehyung surfaced in front of Jin's door. "Stop being lazy, and let's go. Also, can you help Minji with her outfit, I don't like what she's wearing right now." Taehyung winked at Jin and walked away.

Something is definitely wrong with him, Jin thought to himself. There was no way someone could become like that out of nowhere, maybe he was dying and needed to make sure Jin was going to be there for Minji.

"Are you coming with us, Jinnie?"

"Yeah, I will come if it makes you happy." Jin let out a long sigh and got out of bed.

"Yay! Let me go tell daddy you are coming with us."

Jin smiled as he watched the most precious thing to him in the world run off happily. Minji was the most innocent human he had ever come across, and the only person who he knew meant it when she told him she loves him.


"Do you want popcorn or anything?" Taehyung tried asking Jin, but Jin took Minji's hand and walked off to the theatre they were going to watch the movie in. He had heard Taehyung but deliberately ignored him. He didn't want Taehyung being nice to him because if he was being nice to him, it meant he wanted something in return, and although Jin wasn't sure what he wanted, and he was not going to allow himself to find out.

"Can we sit at the top, please?" Minji pointed to the far back of the theatre when they got in. "No, we have to sit in the seats we paid for. I think your father got us seats in the second to the last row, so it's not far off from where you want to sit."

"Do I get to sit in the middle?"

"Yes, you can definitely sit in the middle." He was not going to have it any other way. At least with her in the middle, he wouldn't have to deal with Taehyung.

The movie was about to start when Taehyung came in carrying a lot of things in his hand.

"Daddy, why do you have so many stuff?" Minji called out to her father; Jin had to hush her due to how loud she was and apologize to the people around them.

"They are for you and Jin."

"But I only wanted popcorn," Minji said as she reached out for one of the buckets of popcorn in Taehyung's hand, which he gladly handed to her.

"I know," he whispered to her and then reached over to where Jin was handing him the remaining things he had in his hand. "I wasn't sure what you wanted so I got you a variety. There's popcorn, candy, chocolate, and nachos. They also have burgers and chicken sandwich if you want I can get that for you too when I go pick up the juices."

"Why are you doing this?" Jin asked but didn't hesitate to take the food from Taehyung's hand.

"What am I doing?"

"You know what you are doing; I don't like it."

"I have no idea what you are referring to, but I will be back, going to get us something to drink." Taehyung walked away, leaving Jin feeling annoyed.

"Why you look mad Jinnie, you don't want to watch the movie?"

"No baby, that's not it. Your father is being weird, and I don't know why."

"If you think he is weird, then you never heard him sing in the shower Jinnie." Minji shakes her head as she remembered when she caught her father singing in the shower.

"He sings in the shower?" Jin couldn't fathom Taehyung doing something like that; the man didn't even look like he knew how to have fun. For the most part, Jin always saw him as being stuck up and rude.

"No talking, you too, and Minji why are you telling Jin I sing in the shower, that's our secret," Taehyung says as he overhears their conversation and took his seat.

"Jin, do you want juice or water?" Taehyung leans over Minji to ask Jin.

"I actually wanted a milkshake," Jin said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, okay, I will be right back. Do you want strawberry or banana flavor?"

Jin didn't know how to respond to Taehyung because he wasn't serious about it.

"Why are you doing this?" He finally asked Taehyung, who was looking at him as if he was the one being weird.

"Doing what? Getting you a milkshake?"

"Forget it!"

Minji's Sitter | Taejin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now