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"Can I wear this one?" Minji held up a dress showing it to Jin. "Let me see the other one." Jin request for her to show him the third dress they had picked out. After looking at the dress, he agreed that the one she wanted to wear was okay.

"Yay, I like this one a lot too." Minji smiled and dropped the dress back onto the bed. "What time we leaving?"

"Once your father comes. Now, go shower." Jin urges Minji as he needed to get ready. Taehyung had told him earlier that he was taking them out, and they should dress up nicely. Jin didn't know what he had planned, but one thing he was learning about Taehyung whenever he said for him to dress up, he meant it, or they would end up being underdressed.

Leaving Minji's room, he walked to check on Joo-Won, who was still sleeping. He never knew a baby could sleep as much as him. After checking on Joo-Won, Jin walked to Taehyung's room to take a much-needed shower. He needed to wake himself up; today had been incredibly exhausting. He wishes he could tell Taehyung to cancel tonight, but he was trying not to be a mood killer.

Taehyung already thinks he didn't care about anything he did, which was far from the truth; it wasn't that he didn't care. He just wasn't sure Taehyung meant everything he was doing and didn't want to keep getting his hopes up and then have things change. He knew Dr. Mel, told him he couldn't keep thinking like that, but he couldn't stop himself from thinking that way, he was trying, but it was hard.

Having a boyfriend was very weird and new for him, especially one who enjoyed kissing him on his cheek more than his lips. He doesn't think Dr. Mel or Taehyung understood how sexual deprived he was feeling.

All Taehyung did was make flirty comments to him, hinting stuff, but never following through anything. He was starting to think that maybe Taehyung was only stringing him along for Minji's sake while sleeping with someone else. There was no way he could be okay with not having sex for so long, either.

After his long showerful thoughts, Jin got out of the shower and did the breathing exercise his therapist thought him to calm his mind. Once he felt better, he wrapped the towel around him and walked into Taehyung's room, dialing Jimin's number, he needed to make sure he was picking up Joo-Won or if he needed them to drop Joo-Won at his house.

Taehyung cleared his throat when he saw Jin walked into his room. He was trying to grab his suit before Jin got out of the shower, but it didn't work out that way. Jin turned to look at Taehyung, hanging up the phone in surprise.

"You are here early." he walked over to Taehyung, who backed away but ended up trapping himself in front of his closet.

"Yeah, I ended work early. I was leaving the room, though, I will let you finish getting dressed." Taehyung kept his eyes on Jin's, resisting to look down at him.

"Since you are here early, do you want to spend some time in here together? Minji is showering, and Joo-Won is sleeping" Jin runs his hand down Taehyung's chest smiling at him, dropping the towel to the floor, leaving himself naked.

Taehyung kept his eyes focused on Jin's face; he knew Jin was trying to tempt him."I would love to babe, but I wanted to shower and get ready too, the reason why I came home early-"

"Of course! I am so sick and annoyed with you rejecting me, what's the point of this? We have been "together" for eight months! Eight months and you think this is normal? I have needs Taehyung, and if you can't take care of my needs I will find som-"

Jin yelps out in surprise when Taehyung picks him up and walks with it to the bed, dropping him onto it, attacking his lips with his own while settling between his legs. Jin wrapped his legs around Taehyungs waist and kissed him back. He was shocked by Taehyung's sudden reaction. He had been trying to get Taehyung to do something like this for months, and it never worked. Who knew all he had to do was mention someone else, to get Taehyung to act. If he knew he would've done it a long time ago.

Taehyung rubbed his hands up and down Jin's skin as he kissed him intensely. As Jin moaned into his mouth, he removed his hands from Jin's side and gripped them into the sheet. Kissing Jin a few times more, he pulled away, removing Jin legs from around his waist.

Looking down at how flustered Jin was and his naked body, Taehyung shakes his head breathes out; he couldn't allow this to happen.

"Why did you stop?" Jin looks up at him, disappointed, almost feeling defeated, which Taehyung saw in his eyes.

Taehyung sat on the bed and pulled Jin into his arms, allowing him to straddle him. "Listen to me, right now; I want nothing more than to make love to you. Feel this." He guides Jin's hand to his member, "every fucking day you turn me on, I think about you at work, in the shower, when I am sleeping, no matter what I am doing, I am thinking about you. I think about the next time we have sex and how much I want it to be great for us. The last time we fucked up, Seokjin and I don't want a repeat of that. Sex for you has always been, just sex, and I don't want that either. I want to make love, I don't want to fuck, that's something I can do with anyone I want, and that's what you have been doing with everyone you have ever been with. I don't want that. So I am willing to wait, but don't think you don't drive me crazy, don't think I don't want you, cause trust me, I fucking want you, and I want you so bad."

Taheyung wiped away the tears that were falling from Jin's eyes. "Don't cry. Your body is beautiful, you are beautiful, and I want to show you that you deserve to be treasured, so be patient with me. Let us do it when it's right when we are both certain that this is what we want."

"But how will we know?" Jin looked over Taehyung's shoulder, refusing to look at him; he was feeling too emotional.

"I already know, but as for you, you will know when you are not afraid of me seeing you cry. When you are not afraid of me leaving, and when you can trust me enough to know I am not trying to take anything away from you, I am only trying to give you my love."

Jin leaned his head against Taehyung's chest and cried, "it's hard."

Taehyung rests his chin on Jin's head, rubbing his back, "I know, but there is no rush, let's continue to take baby steps, we have time, and I am not going anywhere."

Minji's Sitter | Taejin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now