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One year later

"Come on baby, eat up?" Jin said, trying his best to feed Nari the rest of her food, but she was busy twisting herself on the chair Jin had her on.

"Dadda," Nari said, pointing towards the door she had seen her father walked through.

Jin sighed, "he is at work, baby, now come on, eat up. Appa has class today, and I have a test, so I can't be late."

"No," his one-year-old daughter said and got up from the seat he had her sitting on. "Fine, let's go." Jin scoops her up in his arms, bringing the bowl he was feeding her from and putting it in the sink.

Being a parent and going to school at the same time was not easy for him, he wanted badly to quit at one point, but Taehyung was adamant that he shouldn't give up. Jin's school had a daycare center on-site, so Taehyung paid to make sure their daughter received the best care, as Jin was extremely skeptical of people babysitting their kids.

Given that it was only for a few hours and Jin had access to her, it put his mind at ease, and he agreed with Taehyung.

Taehyung took up the responsibility of taking Minji to school in the mornings, not wanting to burden his husband with the two kids. Although Jin picked her up from school as it was hard for Taehyung to do it with the hours he was at work, it worked for them as when Jin was leaving class, Minji was getting out of school.

"Dadda," Nari calls out as Jin straps her into the car seat, securing her properly before he got into the driver's seat.

"You know you can say Appa, too, right?" Jin says as he pulls out of the driveway.

"Dadda, dadda, dadda, dadda," Nari chanted, and Jin cringed as he could hear the drooling noise that came with her chanting for Taehyung.

"Call Tae," Jin says to the car Bluetooth.

It didn't take very long for Taehyung to pick up as he was used to Jin calling him on his way to class.

"Someone's running later, don't you have your exam?"

"Blame your daughter-"

"Dadda, dadda." Nari squealed and giggled, recognizing the sound of her father's voice.

This causes a bright smile to appear on Taehyung's face, "Princess, dadda misses you. Is Appa being nice to daddy's Princess?"

"No." Nari lets out making Jin and Taehyung burst out laughing as the only two words they were confident their daughter knew was "no" and "dadda."

"Jin, please be nice to my baby," Taehyung says through the phone, trying his hardest not to laugh again.

Rolling his eyes, Jin looked through the rare view mirror at his daughter, "your baby was a brat this morning. I wish we could reverse things, I take Minji in the morning, and you take Nari."

"I would like that very much. This morning I had to listen to Minji educated me on how much of a horrible driver I am, and she much rather you taking her to school than me. Then she said the french toast I made was horrible and I should not try doing it again. I notice as she gets older, the more vocal she is becoming, and I think we know who she has been getting most of the things she says from."

Jin was all smiles as he listens to Taehyung, Minji wasn't his by birth, but she was undoubtedly his daughter, they clicked with everything. "Whatever! And to be fair, I think she was upset because I told her I would be making her breakfast, but I was so tired I could not get out of bed."

"That's because you seduced me in the middle of the night."

"I did not seduce you."

"Yeah, because stripping out of your clothes in the middle of the night is by no way seducing me."

"I told you I was hot; you took it the other way, it's not my fault."

Taehyung chuckled as he listened to his husband, "whatever you want to tell yourself. Let's see what excuse you will be using tomorrow."

Jin smiled, "I won't have an excuse because nothing will happen. But I am at school now, so I will talk to you later. Love you."

"Love you more, bye princess, daddy loves you," Taehyung calls out to his daughter before hanging up.


"Appa, guess what I got on my test today?" Minji says with excitement as she places her bag down around her homework table, where she and Jin sat together to do their homework.

Jin, who had Nari on sitting on his lap, feeding her glances over at Minji, "I am almost sure my baby got a 100!"

"I did." Minji smiled widely and jumped up and down. "my teacher said if I keep it up, I will get an A."

"Come, give Appa a hug." Jin holds out his arm that was holding Nari as Minji runs to him and hugs him.

Nari's eyes wander around the two as she licks the food from her lips. She didn't understand much of what was going on, but she smiled as she saw Jin and Minji smiling.

"Dadda." she lets out when Taehyung walked into the room.

"My baby!" Taehyung yells out loudly and exciting voice making Jin and Minji turn to glare at him while Nari began kicking her legs and giggle itching to go to him.

He walks over, planting a kiss on Jin's forehead, then Minji's before taking Nari out of Jin's hand. "I missed you so much." he lets out and kisses her cheek, making Nari laugh out loud.


"Yes, dadda is here, now come, tell me what Appa and Minji did to daddy's baby?" Taehyung questioned, looking into his daughter's eyes, who starts mumbling nothing but giberish.

Jin and Minji looked at each other and shook their head. "I don't look forward to the day when she starts talking," JIn mutters, and Minji laughs.

"What's so funny over there?"

"Nothing." both Minji and Jin says in unison and burst out laughing again.


A/N: From here on out, we will have some domestic Taejin moments, until we get to the end. It's what they deserve after their journey to where they are now. 

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