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Some months later

"Put me down!" Jin yells outside of the medical building to his husband, who picked him out of nowhere and twirled him around.

Taehyung place Jin on his feet and pulled him in for a kiss, "we are having twin boys!" Jin giggled against Taehyung's lips as he spoke. They had just found out not only were they having a boy, but they were having two, and Taehyung had taken the news straight to his head, being overly excited.

"Yes, we are, now that's more reason why shouldn't pick me up as you did just now. Now, let's go; we have to pick up Nari and then get Minji. I think I will have you take them home; I have to go shopping for clothes for Monday." Jin had gotten a job as a third-grade teacher at the school across from Minji's school, where Nari would eventually be attending in the future.

Right now, Taehyung and Jin had her in an advanced pre-kindergarten program, and as young as he was, their princess was learning a lot fast. She had a lot of brains like her sister Minji, so Taehyung declared that its because they got their brain from him. That debate did not go well in the Kim's home, and of course, Minji sided with Jin, who said he should be thankful both kids had brilliant Appa's.

"No, we can come with you."

Jin stared at Taehyung and raised his eyebrow, "you want to come to the mall with me?"

"Yes, if I go home and leave you, I have to cook and stuff, but if I stay, we can have food at the mall. The kids will be happy, and I will be happy. I promise we won't bother you, you go shopping, and we will go exploring, I will even go pick up some things for the boys." Taehyung exclaimed with a smile on his face.

As Jin nodded his head and told him fine, he picked Jin up again earning him a slap on his back, "you can't keep picking me up, what if you drop me?"

"I would never!"


Jin was amazed that Taehyung did as he told him, he was in the mall going from store to store shopping for the things he wanted. Most things he was buying, he had to go two sizes up from his usual size as he could see he was beginning to gain some weight.

Soon, he knew he would probably have to come shopping again; the good news though was he had stuff from when he was pregnant with Nari he had could recycle. That was if having twins weren't going to give him more pregnancy weight.

He was happy they were having twin boys after that their family would be complete. He didn't think he would be as great as he has been Nari, being a parent was far from easy, but somehow it worked out naturally for him. Taehyung and him teaming up to tackle things together, especially with two growing daughters at different phases in their life.

Minji was finding herself more and more each day; there was a lot more explaining he had to do, questions, he had to answer. They were allowing her to explore her style of comfort and giving her the path to expressing herself more. With doing that, it had pulled him and her closer. They had Saturday morning bonding time as always, and each weekend they were beginning to do different things.

Taehyung and Nari did the same, and then in the evenings, they changed. Taehyung with Minji and Jin with Nari. Saturday nights were for Jin and Taehyung once the kids were in bed and on Sunday's and during the week, it was all about their family coming together. Except for Tuesday and Thursday, which Taehyung had planned out as date night for him and Jin. That was the only time they allowed a babysitter to come in, which took Jin sometime to adjust to.

However, they found one that both of them like, a college student who adores kids, and both Minji and Nari like her, seeing that made Jin a lot more comfortable. Still, he wasn't comfortable enough to leave on a long trip and leaving them behind unless they were staying with Jimin and Jungkook.

"Wow, you are handsome." A woman appears in front of Jin and smiled at him; she had been watching him since the moment she walked into the store.

Jin smiled at her, the old him would've told her he knew, but he didn't. Instead, he gave her a bow and thanked her.

"My son, he is across at the other store, do you mind if I introduce you to him? I have been trying to set him up on some dates, but he is, umm, just weird about who he dates. Although from the moment I saw you, I thought he would definitely like you."

Jin was undoubtedly taken back by the woman's question, "I am sorry but-"

"Seokjin?" A voice came out, stopping Jin midway his eyes widen when they connected with Yoongi's.

"Oh, this is my son, you know each other?" The woman questioned, looking between two.

Jin looked at the woman and then Yoongi, "yeah, we met sometime in the past. Yoongi, how are you doing?"

"Same as the last time you spoke to me."

"Oh." Jin lets out feeling a bit awkward where he stood.

He watched Yoongi's eyes raked up and down his body, and lingered at his hand, "you are married?"

"Yes, yes, I am," Jin said with a smile.

The woman frowned as he hadn't realized, "the handsome ones are always taken." she mumbled to herself.

"That's nice; I guess you happy?"

"Very happy."

"Appa!" Nari and Minji both came running into the store, pushing past Yoongi and his mom, "look what daddy got me." Nari lifted her new doll set to show Jin.

"B-but you already have two of those. Where is your father?"

"I told him Appa, but he didn't listen, and he is coming, he has a lot of bags, he got so many things for the babies, which I told him you are going to make him bring some of it back." Minji declared with her hands on her hips, knowing her father should've listened to her.

Yoongi looked at the two girls in front of Jin, "you have two kids?"

"Four." Minji said, turning to him, "and who are you?" she waved her hand up and down, almost like a radar scanning someone.

"Appa, who is this?" Minji turned and looked at Jin.

Jin smiled at her, "an old friend of Appa's."

"Oh, does daddy know him?"

"I don't think so baby, and-"

"Seokjin, baby, I am tired; I think I finally know the term shop till you drop. And these two did not help me with anything," Taehyung announces walking into the store; he had watched the girls run off to.

Jin chuckled and walked over to his husband, "fine, let us go. Yoongi, it was nice seeing you stay well, and ma'am, thank you for your compliments earlier; I hope you find someone great for your son soon."

"You know them?" Taehyung questions as they walked out of the store, taking the bags Jin had in his hand.

"I used to know the guy."

"Oh, okay, he looked a bit sad."

"I would be too if I saw a beautiful family like ours, and I was single," Jin said with a smile looking at his husband.

"We are a good family, aren't we?" Taehyung stopped walking, making Jin and the girls stop walking too.

Minji was the first to nod her head, "we are."

"Yes, and I am princess Nari" Nari added, making her parents laugh as she has been saying that since her father trained her to say it.

"I think so," Jin said and leaned in kissing Taehyung's lips.

Nari covered her eyes immediately, "not again." she lets out, making everyone laugh even more than they had before.


The end is coming :)

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