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Keith looked outside his bedroom window and saw lance had just gotten home from somewhere. He's also with his new "best friend"

"Ugh I hate him." He said. "You hate everyone Keith" his friend esma said to him. She was goth just like him.

"Whatever. Why does he have to be such and ass all the time?" Keith questioned. Lance and him were so close now they are just strangers.

"Why don't you just try talking to him and see if you could work things out with him." Esma suggests. " I tried that, but he wouldn't listen. He yelled at me in front of the whole school making me look like the bad guy and now people are calling me a fake or girlfriend stealer. I DON'T even like girls!" Keith rants.

If only that Romelle didn't tell him she loved him and kissed him things would have gone differently. He and Romelle are friends now, but she didn't really hang out with him because that would cause even more problems. Keith's not even allowed to be in a relationship nor have friends.

"Things will get better. Just you wait and see. I mean look at me I'm dating lance sister."

"Who happens to be in college?" Keith interrupts.

" Hey the heart wants what the heart wants."

Keith looked at her. Yes she's dating lance sister Rachel who just got into college. Rachel was the only McClain that still talks to him.

Lance told his family about what happened, and they forever hated him.

"Esma could you hand me my guitar?"

Esma handed Keith his black guitar. That was the last thing lance gave to him before they stopped talking.

This was the only thing that made Keith happy. Keith's use to ha e a big crush on lance but now that's over and done. He swore to his heart and soul that he would never like lance again.

He was the one who ruined their friendship. It was all lance fault.


"See that hunk! He's not even trying to hide the fact that he's fucking straight!" Lance yelled. He quickly took a picture and posted it on Snapchat and Instagram. Not only that, but he even put it on his Twitter calling Keith out to be a fake.

" Lance I know you're made at him but putting it out on social media is going to little too fair don't you think?" Hunk would always feel sorry for Keith. He didn't know if the rumors are even true or not.

"Hunk we can't let him get away with this shit. So I'm doing what's right and the people need to know the truth." Lance explained.

Lance looked at Keith again through his window. This time Keith and his eyes meet. Lance shot Keith the middle finger which ends up with Keith rolling his eyes and shutting his curtains.

"Lance! Hunk! It's time for dinner!" Lance mother yells. "Finally I'm starving." Hunk said walking out the room.

Lance looked back at the window. Keith's house has gotten darker over the days. His dad never really came out of the house and his mother is always working.

"Do they even know that their son is a real fake?" Lance said to himself before walking out and going to dinner.

The jocks : hunk , lance , James , Ryan, and Lotor.
Science club : pidge and Esma
Goths : Keith and Esma.
Cheerleaders : Allura , Shay , Romelle, nyma , plaxum
Bad girls : luka and merla
Bad boy : Lotor and rolo
Nerds : pidge and bandor
Ok byeeeeeee

Goth to jock : klance auWhere stories live. Discover now