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"Lotor you don't understand! Keith told lance about us! I don't know what to do any more about this!" Allura yelled at Lotor as he was kissing her neck living small hickeys on it.

"Then why don't you just break up with Allura. I mean you love me right?" Lotor asked.

He was tired of sharing what was his with another man. Call him selfish all you want, but he does not like to share.

"Yes Lotor I do love you but I also.....love lance. He may not be a bad boy like you but i-." Allura didn't get to finish her sentence as she saw Lotor putting his clothes back on and grabbing his things.

"Lotor where are you going?" Allura asked him in complete shock.

"Home." Was all he answered. "Allura I love you....but you need to choose me or lance. You can't keep doing this to us." He then walked out the door.

Allura looked down and the floor trying not to cry. It sounded like she was loosing Lotor all over again.


Keith got out of bed and saw a note there and his guitar? He thought he had thrown it away.

Keith picked up the note and saw that it was from lance.

Hi Keith

I saw you throw this bad boy away. Didn't your dad give that to you before he died? It would have been a shame if you threw it away like garbage anyway this does not mean anything just keep it safe. Family is everything.

Keith looked at the note and then at the guitar.

"Thanks lance." Keith said quietly to himself. He let a small smile form on his lips, but It was not as big as the one when he and lance were friends.

"Keith come down for breakfast!" His mother yelled from the kitchen. She always makes him breakfast.

Keith rushed down and locked his room door. It was not like he was planning on going somewhere, but his mother literally be everywhere, so he has to lock the door plus he's pretty sure she would not be happy with the guitar in his room.

"Keith we are going to visit shiro today. He should be out of the hospital today as well but with some changes." She spoke are Keith ate his eggs.

There's nothing like a good fried egg.

"Changes what changes?" Keith asked. He hopes it's not too bad.

"Well from one his arm is going to be replaced with metal. Second his hair is turning white for some reason. The doctors are still looking into that, but it's a slow process. Third of all there is going to be a scare on his face, and it's a big one." She explains to Keith.

Keith didn't know what to say. It's all his fault that shiro ending up like that. If only he had not yelled at him that day all this would not have happened.

"Mother may I go to Esma house before we leave. I won't be long I promise." Keith asked her.

"Keith you know I don't like that girl. Why do you keep hanging out with her she's a bad influence on you." Krolia said with no emotion.

"I'm sorry I asked. I'll get ready to go." Keith said as he got up from the table and walked into his room.

His room was not soundproof so he could not play his guitar loud.

Playing always made him at peace with things.

He was so sick of everything.

Lance situation
The school
His own family as well.

He felt like nobody noticed that he's hurting. Except the bad he's in.

His bandmates merla,Luka ,Romelle , and Esma , and Jackson were the only ones who understood him.

He's happy that he has them in his life.

Goth to jock : klance auWhere stories live. Discover now