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Keith was the first on to wake up. He noticed that he was naked and laying on lance chest. He slowly got up and looked around the room.

It was a mess. Him and lance did it for 5 rounds until they went to sleep.

"Lance wake up. Lance!" He said as he shook the boy.

"Mm what is it Keith?" He said as he only turned the other way not wanting to get up.

"Help me into the shower idiot. I can barely walk and I have to leave soon to go to the mall."

"Why are you going there? Don't get me wrong but shopping does not seem like you're thing."

"Romelle wants me and some other friends of mine to go shopping for prom outfits. Now hurry up and carry me to the bath."

Lance got up and picked Keith up. He had this smile on his face.

"You don't want me to join you? There is always room for two." He said looking at Keith.

"Lance my ass hurts too much from lance night because somebody wanted to keep going and made me call him daddy until the last round."

"It was sexy though."

"Just hurry up and carry me to the damn bathroom." He said as he was getting moody.


After lance put Keith in the bath he walked downstairs to make him breakfast before he lifted.

He should be happy but he's not. After all today is prom week and then bye bye Keith.

"I don't know what I'll do without him." Lance said has he started to make blueberry pancakes.

He missed out so much in life because he was being an asshole to Keith and when he finally got a chance to make things right with him bam Keith has to move away.

"It's not fair."

"What's not fair?" Keith asked as he walked towards lance.

"Oh....just that I have to make you breakfast and you can't make me any." He crosses his arms and pulled out his bottom lip.

"Really? If that's the problem then can I have 40 pancakes please." Keith said as he gave lance his adorable smile.

"Jeez I sometimes wonder which one of us is the real man."

After the two was finished eating Romelle showed up to pick up Keith.

"Well bye lance see you at school tomorrow." Keith said as he waved goodbye to his boyfriend.

"Bye Keith and be safe. I'm going to take a quick shower while I'm here and then I'll go home ok."

"Ok. I'll call you when I get back."

Keith then ran to the car and lance watched it drive off.

"Wow it just sucks to watch your loved ones leave don't  it." Lotor said from behind him.

Lance let out a girly scream.

"What are your doing here?!"

"Oh I was dropping by. So you're not with Allura ?" Lotor asked

"Nope she's all yours pal. I have Keith and there's no one on this planet that's going to change that."

"That's good but I got someone already. Allura was too much and let's be honest she's not loyal."

Both him and lance laughed at that. It felt good to laugh at the women that hurt you because in the end she lost both men.

"Well I should be going. I can't wait to graduate then off the England."

"Oh so you're not staying in America?"

"Nope I plan on taking over my fathers company over there along with my lover."

"Is he going to England with you?" Lance asked.

"Yeah. He said there's nothing here for him anymore. It's time to move on. He can't stay in the dark forever."  Then Lotor walked off after giving lance a wave goodbye.

Lance watched as he lifted and went to thinking.

There's nothing here for Keith anymore but lance and his friends. After graduation there going different directions. So then he will be lifted with nothing.

The college lance wants to go to is also all the way in England. After he graduate he plans on coming back to America to become a teacher.

"Will it really work out with me and keith?"

The next update will be the day of the prom people aka the last day for Keith

Poor lance.

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