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Time skip to a few months

"Fuck man I hate this!" Lance yells as he put his head on hunk.

"What is it?"

"Prom is next fucking week. That's the week Keith leaves for good man. I don't know if a long distance relationship could work out."

"Well it usually don't work out." Pidge said as she grabbed another bag of chips. "You should just break up while you have the chance. Move on and find someone new."

Maybe I should break up with Keith. I mean multiple people have told me to do it already but I'm just not ready to let him go.

"Don't say that Pidge! Long distance relationships works out sometimes. I mean me and Shay are going to different colleges. She already moved up north so she can be close but we still are together. Lance don't loose hope. You and Keith will see each other again. You just have to believe in yourself and Keith." Hunk said giving lance a courageous smile.

"And you Pidge. Your girlfriend is going to college in Thailand. You can't say things like that. Would you break up with here just because she's going somewhere far."

Pidge looked down at the ground. Hunk had yet again proved her wrong.

"Your right. Sorry lance it's just that you know after prom we have to deal with graduation and I made so many new friends."

"Pidge we are all going to the same college so don't worry about it ok." Lance hugged the girl.

Though in the back of his mind he felt sad because not only is Keith going away but he also don't know what college Keith is going to.

He knows he should talk about this to Keith now but he can't. He's too scared about what will come out of Keith's mouth about the college he wants to go to.


"Steven are you sure about you decision?" Keith ask the boy sitting on his bed.

"Yup. At first I used to want to be a doctor but I like my job at the bar. I mean it's not everyday that you get to see cool fights. What about you? Have you decided on what college you want to go to."

"Well I have already been accepted into that college but you know how I'm moving to Korea."

"Yeah what's that got to do with it?" Steven gave him a confused look.

"Well it's also in Korea. I'm going to talk about with lance tomorrow. We are going to study at my house and...."

Steven looked at Keith wondering why he stopped. He saw that Keith face was bright red and he was looking at the ground.

Then it hit him

"Oh my god you slut!" He yells "you and lance are actually going to do it. Oh man I can't wait to see you walk into school not being able to walk. I will have my camera out and everything." Steven laughs his ass off making Keith even more embarrassed.

"Shut up! You have no room to talk. Remember when you first had sex with rolo. I was right on the couch. I remember you saying "omg it's so big" I also heard a "harder...omg right fucking there-"

"Shut up Keith it felt good ok."

"Ok.....but the way walked the next day gave you away."

Steven grabbed a pillow a throw it at Keith.


Allura sat in her room crying. Why is she crying you ask.

Well Lotor just broke up with her. He found someone that would make him happy and that loves everything  about him.

She wants to know what's worse though. The fact that he lifted her when it was near prom time or the fact that he lifted her for a man.

"Ugh this is totally unfair!"

Hi there. I am sad to say that we are very close to the end and there will be no squeal to it :(

But the good thing is that there is another klance story. All I have to do right now is make the perfect name for it and once that happens at the end of this book I'll let the story out :)

Also I made a klance game on instagram were you choose the fate of the characters. Just follow original_klancecrushau to play.

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