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"Lance don't you think you should go see Keith?" His best friend Hunk asked him.

"For what? I don't know where he lives now. All I know is that he's never home."

"So you do visit him?" Pidge said as she looked up from her computer. She has not said a word to anyone for a while. Especially after her and Matt's fight.

"No I don't. My parents make me go to him. I don't see what I did wrong to make Keith hate me so much. I should be mad at him. He's the asshole! Not me." Lance then crossed his arms "beside I'm failing my classes again thanks to that goth boy not being in school for god knows how long."

"Lance it's only need two weeks. Maybe he'll show up next week. I mean he did find out that his mother just died." Hunk said trying to reason with lance.

"Hey lance you want to hear some news that might make you happy?" Pidge said with a smile on her face.


"Keith is getting put into a different home that's all the way in South Korea. So you won't ever see him again. Though I heard that he only leaves on the night of the prom."

Lance was quite for a second. He didn't know how to feel about that. He should be happy that Keith is going away but why don't his heart feel so said about that news. Him and Keith are not close anymore. So he should be happy about this news.

"Pidge that's the best news you ever told me!" He lied. "I'm going to the bathroom to calm down my  excitement. Be right back."

Lance quickly ran into the bathroom and into the stall and started crying.

He didn't know what was wrong with him at all.

"Why would I cry over and asshole like Keith. He's done so much shit to me! So why should I feel sad about him leaving."


Keith ran up to Keith house with his voltron action fingers.

"Oh hello lance. Keith is in his room sleeping. Could you wake him up for me?" Keith's mother said.


Before lance walked into the house he took off his shoes at the door. He still didn't know what was up with that.

Lance walked into Keith's room and saw that the boy was indeed asleep. This is the first time lance saw him sleeping.

He had a hippo plushie with him while he slept. Lance couldn't wake him up  because of how cute he looked while sleeping.

Lance laid down beside Keith on his bed. He pulled Keith into him.  They laid there cuddling each other while Keith slept and lance played in his hair.

"Keith i hope that we could stay like this forever."

................end of flashback..............

Lance woke up and found himself asleep on the bathroom wall. He's so lucky that the school kept the bathrooms clean.

He took out his phone and checked to see what time it was.

"Damnit I'm late for class."

He got up and walked out of the bathrooms in while trying to come up with an excuse on why he was late.

As lance was walking he passed by one of Keith's friends. His name was Steven.

Ever since him and Keith stopped talking that Steven kid was always seen with him. Lance can totally see why they hit it off right away.

They both dress the same. They both believe in the supernatural. They both listen to the same music. They both like the color red. They just like the same thing but have different personalities.

With lance him and Keith didn't start off is great. Lance was the one trying to befriend him while with just wanted to get away with him.

"He has a better shot in dating Keith then I ever will. Wait WHAT!?" Lance suddenly shouted.

"You know if you talk to yourself  people will think your crazy." Steven suddenly appeared in front of him.

"The best way to avoid that is to talk to yourself in your head. Yeah you'll have a great conversation there."

"Why the fuck are you talking to me?" Lance asked.

"Why the fuck are you resounding?" Steven with a smirk on his face. "Yes Steven best comeback. Instead of trump 2020 it should be Steven 2020."

"You are weird." Lance said suddenly backing away from him.

"Hey Keith said the same thing when we first meet. But it went like this. When we met I was talking about how hot rolo cock would be in my mouth while I was making a henti girl face and Keith went like you're so fucking weird and on that day I made him my friend." Steven told lance.

"Why are you telling me this? I don't give a fuck how you two met. I don't even care about Keith."

"Well I was hoping that it would make you jealous but I guess that didn't work. Well bye lance fuck you and your bisexual ass. Rolo bisexual ass is way hotter."

Steven then walked away from lance.

"What the fuck is that kid taking?"

Hello this is your writer here. I hope you all enjoy the chapter with Steven in it. If you don't already know Steven and rolo are dating. My friend is still making up ship names for them. So far she got


Idk what's wrong with her. This can tell you that I don't ship rolo and nyma together

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