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Keith woke up to a beautiful voice singing to him. It sounded just like his mother singing to him just like when he was a child.

He didn't know what she was saying but it something that would keep his mind at peace.

When Keith finally opened his eyes the peace was gone just like that.

There standing at the foot of his bed was lance. Though he seem to be watching t.v.

"Lance?" Keith called out.

That brought the boy watching the T.V to freeze up a bit.

"Oh Keith your awake. About damn time. Listen the only reason I'm here today was keep you company. I mean your in the hospital and your mothers funeral is today-"

"Wait what do you mean my mothers funeral is today? Lance my mothers alive." Keith said sitting up.

Lance stared at Keith for a while.

"Did you not know about the accident?"

"Accident? What fucking accident?" Keith yelled out. His voice hurts from the yelling that he was doing but he needed answers and fast.

"Keith on the day that your mother lifted. There was an explosion at the airport and your mother was in that airport Keith." Lance said. "Didn't shiro tell you this?"

Keith remains quiet. He didn't want to say a word. He didn't even want lance to be there right now.

"Please leave. I want to be alone."

Lance looked like he wanted to say something but what would he say. He can't tell Keith that he wanted to stay and confront him in his arms.

"Coward." Was all lance said.

But who is he calling a coward. Him or Keith?


Shiro came to see Keith as soon as the funeral was over. He lifted lance there to watch over him.

"Lance is Keith awake?" He asked as soon as he saw the boy standing outside the door.

"Why didn't you tell Keith about his mother?" Lance asked avoiding shiro's question.


"You heard me. Keith is heartbroken right now thanks to me. Cause I thought he knew about his mother being dead but it turns out he didn't know shiro. When were you planning on telling him? Do you know that someone can feel hurt waiting for there mother to get home but never will show up. They might even start to hate their parents without even knowing that they are DEAD!" Lance shouted at him.

Shiro didn't say a word. The guilt was finally building up to him.

Lance didn't say another word to the man and so he walked away.

Shiro looked through the window and saw that Keith was sitting there emotionally trying to keep himself from crying but failing miserably.

"Oh Keith what have I done." He mumbled but one man heard him.


It's been two days since Keith's mother funeral and shiro has not came to visit him once.

The only people that came to see him were his friends. Today was the Keith last day in the hospital but he couldn't go to school for a while and he had to go to a therapist now.

"Keith someone has finally came to get you but it's not your brother. Your brother told me to tell you that he would be away for a while so someone named Adam is here to take care of you. Would you like for him to come in?" The nurse asked him.


The nurse motioned for him to walk in.

"Hey Keith. Are you ready to go?" Adam asked.

"Shiro's not coming back is he?" Keith asked looking at Adam.

"Keith no shiro will be back. He just needs time to think." Adam said. "Now come on let's get out that ugly hospital clothes and into your good old goth style clothes.

The drive to Adam's house was awkward. I mean this was his brother ex. Speaking of that what the fuck was shiro thinking?

I mean you send your little brother to live with your ex. The fuck kind of shit is that.

"How long will shiro be gone?"Keith asked.

"I don't know. Hopefully he'll be back and you two can work things out." He replied.

"Will you and shiro be back together?"

"I hope so. We probably won't. I mean he did leave me for some other guy that's wild and like to party." Adam said with the hint of annoyance.

"Am I annoying you now?" Keith asked

"No Keith your not. I'm just pissed at your brother." Adam said.

Keith then turned around and looked out the window. "I hate shiro."

"Keith! Don't say things like that!"

"It's true! He didn't tell me that my mom died! Then he runs away from me! I hate him I don't want to see him ever again! All I need is you. You were always there for me so who needs a big brother when I have you." Keith said

Adam didn't say another word. He didn't even know what to say. So he just stayed silent.


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