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2 years later

Dear Keith

Hi it's me lance! I'm starting to wonder if
You ever get my letters. I'm still here in college.

Everything is great. There is a lot I got to tell you about the group. So this is going to be my most longest letter to you ever so get ready.

Shiro and Adam decided to adopt a child together! It's a little boy too! I can only see him on holidays though because you know I'm stuck here in college. Shiro got a job as policeman. While Adam because a teacher at our old school. Things are going great for them. They are getting married soon and I can't wait to see it.

Axca and Veronica have been working things out with my parents. There are still awkwardness around them but at least they are trying to work things out. They both have a little boy together. He's so adorable but also bad. Veronica be staying at home taking care of him while Axca go herself a job as a soldier. Yes can you believe she actually went into the military.

Ezor And Zethrid have started dating each other. There not much to say about them but Ezor is in college but Zethrid stayed at home.

Lotor got control of his father company after he died. Yup his father died of cancer sadly. Lotor's boyfriend Jason is with him even though his mother disapproves of his relationship with a man but hey it's his life she can't control him for long.

Pidge got a roommate named Lexi and they hit it off right away man. I never seen her blush so hard at a girl like that. The great thing about it is that they both want to become a scientist. Pidge had to cut her hair in a more boyish way because Lexi family is very homophobic and is against the lgbt people.

Allura is out of jail and is struggling to find a job and get into a school. No one would hire her and her daddy cut her off. Apparently she had a little brother and he would be taking over the family business instead of her. Haha karma is a real bitch.

Hunk started a part-time job here in England. He really likes it because everything there reminds him of Shay. Shay is in Germany taking college there. From what I heard she is not having a hard time there but she really do miss hunk. Guess what though. After graduation they went to a hotel together and did the nasty together. That's my man he's all grown up.

Romelle and James are still going strong. Yes they do disagree with somethings but as long as they love each other then I'm ok with it. There's not much to say about them but that they plan on moving in together.

Guess what? Matt got married to Susan. They way he proposed was funny while he was getting on his knee to do it he somehow fell out  the window......he's ok but as everyone was checking to see if he was ok Susan said yes to his proposal and called the hospital. At the hospital.......he fell out the window again....um I think Susan needs to keep a watch out on Matt because he keeps falling out windows. Oh and they have a daughter together! She's so cute but Susan won't let Matt hold her near a window. Sad world for him.

When Steven said he was not going to college he meant that. He stayed with rolo and got a job at a bar. Things seem to be going ok for them. They are finally and I mean finally together. Rolo still wishes for Steven to go to college but he kept saying no. He even changed his last name to rolo's last name. I guess he hated being called Steven Gay.

Ryan is kinda still heartbroken about me rejecting him but he understands that I love you more.....he's a good guy really he is but there are somethings that I don't know about him. The only thing I know is that he's on the road a lot.

Billy quit his job as a teacher and became a model. Nyma was pregnant with his kid after all. They both have twins and they are soooooo cute. Especially Nico I mean he's so shy and adorable. Anyway Nyma is a stay at home mom. Which means she cooks , clean , and do anything a stay at home mom would do.

Oh Romelle brother married plaxum a girl from our school. At first Romelle didn't like her because she used to be with Allura but Changed her mind when she saw that really loved her brother and has changed a lot after high school. I don't know what college she goes to but I wish her the best of luck.

My sister Rachel came out to the family as lesbian. She's dating you're friend Esma. Also why didn't you tell me that girl was from Finland. I mean wow Keith I tell you everything but you don't tell me shit. I feel so sad about that.

Lastly luka And merla. Nothing much to say about them but there music is awesome.

Hey I got all of you're songs. Whenever I here it I feel like you're here with me right now. I sometimes wonder if things were different would you still be here with me right now.

I miss you Keith. I really do and I can't wait for you to come back to me. I feel really lonely without you here by my side.

I have to go before this letter gets too long bye and I can't wait to see you again.

Love you're smoking hot boyfriend lance

Ps : I love you

The last chapter will be up tomorrow sad yeehaw

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