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It's been 10 days since Keith saw his mother. She never called nor sent him a single letter telling him where she was. He was starting to worry about her safety.

Him and shiro are still not speaking to each other even though there living in same house.

Shiro would always make Keith breakfast and try to have a conversation with him but Keith would always make up something to not speak or see shiro.

Right now he's at school helping lance with his math work that he is failing very badly.

"Lance it's not that hard all you have to remember is that Y=MX+B." Keith explain as he watch lance struggle with a simple problem.

"I still don't get it man. Why does math have to be so fucking hard or it could be that you are a bad tutor and I need a new one. Maybe Allura can be my tutor she's hot and she's smart." Lance said as he pulled out his phone ready to text Allura.

"Lance have you ever thought that maybe it's your fault. You don't study.All  you do is play around and talk to your cheating girlfriend." Keith said putting his computer in his school bag.

"Just what the hell are you doing we still have time." Lance said taking out his phone and looking at the time him and Keith had lifted of there tutoring session.

"Home. It's a clear fact that you don't want to learn and I'll respect that. We don't have to talk to each other anymore. You go on with your life and I'll go on with mine." Keith then walked at the door leaving lance alone to clear his head.

"Keith was never like this before. Just what the hell did I do to him to break him like this. All he ever does is give up and walk out." Lance said out loud only talking to himself.

He then heard a nose coming from next door. It sounded like Allura and someone else. Maybe Lotor?

Lance put his ear to the door to listen in on what's going on.

"Ahhh Lotor don't stop....ah fuck that's my ahhh oh god Lotor" he heard Allura moan.

Lance took his ear off the door.

"So it's true huh? Allura really is cheating on me with that asshole." Lance said as he felt tears fall down his face. 

He then grabbed his bag and ran out the door.

Sorry this is short but I really needed to us the bathroom.

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