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"Lance it time for dinner come down here!" Lance mother yells for him.

The 16 year old boy heard his mother yell for him. He was busy playing camp buddy on his computer.

"Coming!" He quickly shut down his computer and ran downstairs for food.

Lance was always born in a perfect family. They loved each other and been so nice with who they were with but that's all going to change tonight when his older sister Veronica brings her lover.

"Dinner smells good mama." Lance said

"Hahaha you should be saying that to your father. He's the one who cooked dinner."

"And be didn't burn down the house what a shock." Rachel said holding back her laughter.

"Haha laugh it up. One day you kids are going to be sorry and wished you were nice about my cooking. I even cook better then shiro."

"From what I heard from Keith.....shiro is not allowed to cook until he's on his death bed ." Rachel told her father while eating.

"Speaking of Keith were is the boy I have not seen him in a while."

"Oh um me and Keith are not talking right now. We kinda got into a fight." Lance then folded both his arms and looked away from his family. He thought he told Rachel to tell his parents not to mention Keith's name around him.

Some sister she is.

"Ohhhhh Veronica pulled up. I can't wait to meet the lucky guy."

The night ended with yelling and crying. The very next morning Veronica was packing her bags for camp her parents were sending her too. She could only come back for the holidays. While Axca was getting sent to Korea.

Lance looked out the window and saw that Axca and Veronica couldn't even say goodbye to each other. Keith's parents looked at Veronica with sorrow in there eyes.


Lance sat up from the chair he was sleeping in.

"What the hell was up with that dream?"

"What dream?" Keith said as he looked at his boyfriend who was sweating like crazy.

"Babe are you ok?"

"Yeah Keith I'm fine. Wait what did you just say?" Lance looked at Keith in shock.

"I asked if you were ok and you said you were fine which is bitch talk for your not fine."

"No no no! Not that what did you say with it?"

"With what?" Keith then tilts his head in confusion.

"You know what never mind. I'm just glad your ok. Do you know who did this to you? Was it someone at our school?" 

"I don't think this man goes to our school. He looks like a criminal."

"Could this guy be someone's parent?"

Lance got up and started thinking about who could have wanted to hurt Keith this badly.

"It can't be Allura she's too nice. Then there's Nyma but she said that she don't have a grudge against you anymore. Though we can't believe her words. Then there's Pidge but I know she won't do this."

"I mean it could be Allura I did embarrass her that one time. Also Nyma is dating our teacher I know because I walked in on them before. Also fuck Pidge she kissed you know you are in a relationship." Keith told lance.

They spent about 5 minuets talking about who it could be until a doctor told lance to leave the room while the cops talk to him in private.

"Lance I heard about what happened to Keith! Is he ok?" Allura said as she came running to him.

Fake bitch

"Yeah he's fine. The police are talking to him right now. Why are you here?" He asked her.

Don't trust her

"Oh I just came to see if Keith and Steven were ok. The school is shut down until they find out what happened. This mean that prom would probably be canceled." She said in a disappointment voice.

"Yeah that is sad. I really wanted to go to prom with Keith before he leaves this place. I guess I'll just have to make this the best memories of Keith's life."

"Are you and Keith going to still be together after he leaves?"

Why do you want to know

"Yes. I love him and still want to be with him even after he leaves."

"Lance long distance relationship never work out."

How the fuck would you know


" I mean listen lance it better if you just break up with him now before you both end up hurt.

Why is she saying  this

"I can't do that. It would only just hurt Keith and that's the last thing I want to do."

"What about you? I feel like you don't really love him. I mean after we broke up is when you really started showing affection towards him." Allura points out to lance.

"What the he'll Allura?!"

"I mean it's true. Your nothing but a fuck boy. I bet when you took Keith out on your first date you tried to fuck him. That's what did with me."

Oh fuck this bitch

"Shut the fuck up! You know nothing! Ever time I was with you all I could think about was Keith. He even showed up in my dreams while I was with you. When I stopped talking to Keith I would always watch him from a distance and wonder what it would be like to talk to an amazing guy like him. Whenever he plays his guitar he would always sing hoping he won't wake anybody up he wakes me up with a that beautiful voice of his! Ever time you song it sounds like an annoying duck! I love you it has always been Keith and if you don't like that then you should just fuck off."

Once lance was finished he saw that everyone in the waiting room was looking at him. Some was looking with grossed out looks. While others with a smile.

Then there was a little girl playing with blocks. She spelled out "I ship it".

"I'm going back to Keith."

Lance turned and saw that Keith was already there. Lance got the feeling that he heard everything he said because he was blushing very hard.

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