33 ( last chapter )

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4 years later

"Daddy! Daddy wake up!" Lance daughter rin said as her little brother Sebastian jumped on her.

"Ok ok. Go wash up and I'll come down as soon as I wake up your brother. Ok?"


Lance got out of bed for the start of a brand new day.

He put on a shirt and started to walk to kia room. Lance new he was awake but he just stays in his room because he's too scared to come out without lance being by his side.

Now don't get lance wrong he didn't cheat on Keith but he did adopt kids after college. He felt lonely without Keith being by his side so he adopted children.

Rin was the oldest. She's is very brave and is always there to help her brothers out whenever they have a problem. Whenever lance is not home she would watch over them until Ryan shows up and help them with there homework. She only 10 years old.

Now Sebastian is the middle child. He always likes to play around and pull pranks. He really into sports and is very outgoing. He is also a flirt like his father. He's 8 years old.

The youngest is Kia. He's a very very very quiet kid. He would speak but it would be very rare. He really loves to eat sweets. It's the cutest thing to see. Lance always bring home sweets to him just to see that cute smile on his face. The thing about Kia is that he has a mullet. Like his mommy. Kia is also very clingy too. He's 6 years old.

"Kia I'm going to make breakfast. Are you coming to help daddy?"

He looked at lance and shook his head no.

"Do you want to play with your brother and sister?"

Another no.

"I'm making chocolate pancakes." Lance said hoping that it would work and it did. Kia quickly grabbed his hippo plushie and ran up to lance.

Lance picked him up and walked down the stairs carefully not to drop Kia.

Once he reached the kitchen he put Kia on the kitchen counter and started to cook.

"You know Kia you can talk to me about anything right."

No answer.

"Or you and just do that..."

Once breakfast was finished and everyone had ate he put the kids into the car and drove them to school.

"Ok everyone we are here. Have a good day ok?"

"Ok!" They yelled exempt for Kia. He just gave a small wave and walked off.

"I sometimes wonder if that kid secretly hates me or is he just emotionless."

Lance drove to his old school. He works there now as a Spanish teacher. So far he was the most hottest teacher ever.

"Hi lance." Adam said as he watched lance get out the car. "Did Kia talk to you today?"

"Nope. I just can't seem to get him to open up to people. I'm really starting to get worried about him."

Adam put his hand on lance shoulder. "It's ok lance. You have to remember that Kia comes from a bad home. I mean his mother abandoned him when he was born and at age 4 his father lift him in the wild to die."

Yeah that was true. No one wanted to adopt him because of how traumatized he was. All the other kids would always make fun of him for it. Lance felt sorry for him and wanted to give him a chance in life so he adopted him and he loves him dearly. Even though he spoiled him.

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