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2 weeks later

Dear Keith

Today was graduation day!

"And now we would like all our seniors to raise and take a bow. Congratulations everyone for making it this far in life!"

The crowd clapped and yells as they watch their kids , friends , or some type of family member graduates.

Lance family was cheering the loudest out of everyone.

"Hey Steven which ones you're parents?" Lance asked the boy who sat beside him.

"Oh my dad? He didn't show up. He was too busy with work."

"What about you're mom?"

"She died when I was 8 years old. She got very sick after she gave birth to me and was unable to have any other children. She was in and out of the hospital."

Lance got silent after hearing that. He felt bad that Steven didn't have a mother in his life anymore.

"You want to hear something funny?" Steven asked him.

Lance looked at him weirdly. Who would want to hear something funny after hearing a person say that. Lance just brushed it off as Steven weird way of going through it.

"Sure why not." He said waiting to hear the joke.

Steven looked around for a while then turned to lance and said "my last name is Gay."

"Wait what haha!" Lance laughed loudly but quickly covered his mouth after getting weird stares from people around him.

"Yup that my last name. Steven Gay. It's funny because I actually turned out to be gay too."

Yeah the graduation was fun. My family congratulations me and all but the most fun and spent hanging out with all my friends.

We all went to Nyma's house. Can you believe that she lives with Billy! Our English teacher. Also why didn't you tell me that Esma was related to Billy. I could have gotten and easy A if you would have told me that.

Anyway but that was fun and all but I felt sad. My sister Veronica is back that's great but she came back with Axca. I felt sad because I could not be with you.

When I was hanging out with my family today I decided to come out about us. I don't want to keep you a secret anymore.

"Mom. Dad. We need to talk. Like now." Lance said looking at his parents.

"Lance can't this wait until tomorrow. You have to fly all the way to England tomorrow so you need to be up early my boy." His father said yawning at his tiredness.

"No dad this can't wait. I only got this one chance to say this so can you please let me talk? Please."

"Alright boy say what's on you're mind."

Lance smiled at his parents were actually going to listen to him. He was also nervous about it to.

He didn't know how they would act. He saw how they looked at Veronica when she finally came back home. He didn't want to get disowned by his parents. Family was everything to him.

Keith was part of that family with him.

"Will you wait for me?"

Those last words was the only thing lance could remember him saying he also remembered his reply to it.

"I'll wait for you. Then once you come back I'll marry the fuck out of you and you can't say no."

"I have a fiancé." Lance told his parents.

"Oh really! Lance I can't wait to meet her! How is she like? Is she pretty? Oh what am I saying of course she's pretty! When do we meet her?"

"It's not a girl and you can't meet him because he's away for right now."

"Lance what did you just say to us?" His father got up and walked over to his son.

"I said that my fiancé is not a girl it's a guy and his name is Keith. I don't care if you disown me for being with a man but I'm not going to leave him because of my parents disapproval. I want Keith and I finally have Keith so please just accept me for who I am."

Lance parents looked at each other then back at lance.

"Lance you know I don't like the idea of you dating the same gender." His father spoke.

"Yes i know fathers."

"If this really makes you happy then I'll try to accept it. It'll take some time. The only reason I'm saying this to you is because I missed so much of Veronica's life and I don't want to make the same mistake again.

So yeah my family kinda accepts me now.

I hope this letter gets to you Keith. If it does then it'll make me so happy. I can't wait to see you again.

Goodbye for now

-love lance

Ps : I forgot to say this but that bitch Allura is in jail for murder :)

2 more chapters lift

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