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Keith and lance arrived to the prom safely. It took them a while to get there because lance wanted Keith all to himself one last time.

"Well this is it princess. Your last time in the school building. Are you ready?" Lance asked as he held Keith's hand tightly not wanting to let it go.

Keith took a deep breath and said "yeah. Let's go in and meet our friends."

Keith and lance opened the door and saw that there friends were sitting at separate tables but are still very close to each other.

Steven was the first one to notice the pair.

"Keith and his wild boyfriend lance are here." He yelled. He laughed when she saw Keith glare at him.

"Calm down man it's all love here."


Keith and lance sat with there friend group enjoying the time with there friends.

"You know before I leave this place I want everyone to start getting along with each other. I would be really said if you keep fighting." Keith said looking at everyone making sure they're listening.

"I agree with you Keith. I'm sorry that we believed in the fake rumors that lance has spread around the school about you." Shay said actually looking guilty about it.

"I'm sorry for even starting it. I guess the popularity got into my head that I was being an real ass to you."

"It's ok. I already forgave everyone but Allura. I don't think she's ever going to change." Keith said as he looked over at the girl sitting with her friends laughing at whatever the hell they were talking about.

"I don't know about y'all but I'm ready to dance. Even if my date can't be here but that is not going to stop me from having fun with my friends!" Steven grabbed Keith by his arms and dragged him to the dance floor with everyone.

They all spent there time dancing and having fun making jokes now and then. It felt like this could last forever but they all know that's too go to be true.

"Ok everyone it's time for the slow dance and then we are going to see who is out prom king and queen and after that the prom king and queen dance!" The dJ said into the making playing a slow but relaxing song.

"Everyone grab yo honey and dance the night away."

Steven sat down for this one because his date was not here with him but he was on FaceTime with him.

Nyma went to the most hottest teacher at the school names Billy. He was Esma brother. They walked off somewhere that no one can see them and danced with each other.

"Keith I'm so glad that I get to have this experience with you." Lance said pulling Keith close to him as they danced to the music.

"Me too lance. I'm glad to be with you."

Lance pulled back and handed Keith a blue necklace with a ring on it. It had his name carved into it.

"I want you to have this Keith. It's so that you'll remember me when you leave. It'll let you know that even when I'm far away from you that I'll still be by your side and it shows how much I love you." Lance said looking away from embarrassment.

"Thank you lance I really love it."

They were about to kiss each other when the music suddenly stopped and the DJ started talking.

"Ok everyone the moment that everyone has been waiting for! The prom king and queen."

Everyone cheered. Allura got a big smile on her face and looked over at lance.

"For our prom king we have lance McClain for the win! That's our star right there folks. Give him some hands!"

Everyone started clapping and cheering for lance congratulating him as he walked on the stage.

The teacher put the crown on his head.

"And now for our prom queen we have KEITH um I don't know how to say his last name but mullet boy. Literally there's only two people with a mullet at this school and that's Billy and Keith."

Everyone laughed and cheered for Keith. This was a big shock for Keith because he didn't even sign up for it.

Just as the teacher put the crown on his head Allura got on top and yelled "wait a damn minute!"

"Oh my god why is the fish talking?" Steven said

"Why the fuck should Keith win prom queen? In case you have not noticed but he is a MAN and a queen is a female! Besides he nothing more then just some loser who likes to steal peoples man!" She said making her point.

"So if he's the loser does that make you the slut?" Steven said out loud for her to hear.

People started laughing at that comment.

"Wait actually that makes you daddies little princess who is entitled. I mean you get mad when things don't go you're way so do me a favor and shut up. Your breath stinks and I'm pretty sure on you're death bed it's still going to."

The teens at the dance were really starting to laugh even some of the teachers started to join in.

Allura got so embarrassed that she ran out of the prom with tears in her eyes. This was the worst day ever for her.

"Hey Keith are you ok?" Lance asked as people started to calm down.

"Yeah I'm fine. Can we go somewhere private?"

Keith grabbed lance hand and started pulling him off the stage.

"Don't worry we're going to be right back. I just want some alone time with my boyfriend."  Keith said winking as they walked off.

There were catcalls going around in the gym ( That's where the prom was being held at )

"Keith where are you taking us?" Lance asked still following his boyfriend.

"You'll see."

Keith was lance were got to there in under 2 minuets.

"The roof? What's so special about it?"

Keith just opened the door and showed lance.

They blue sky was so beautiful with the stars shining bright like that. What makes it more amazing is that Keith smiling and shining just like the stars.

"Keith.....this is so beautiful. How do you know about this?"

"Well back when we were not on good terms I would always sneak into the school and come up here to sing. Get your phone out."

"Why?" Lance took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to Keith.

Keith took the phone and started to record something.


"Put the camera on me ok. I want you to have something to remember me bye ok."

( a/n play the video if you feel like it because it's the song that Keith sings to lance )

"Wow Keith....have you always thought that way about me?"

Keith turned away from lance hiding his blushing face from him.

"Will you just shut up and enjoy the damn song. Besides there's plenty of more songs from me but you'll have to get them from Esma and shiro."

Lance walked over to Keith and kissed him deeply. Holding tight like it's his last day on earth.

"Thanks Keith. I loved it. Let's get inside there's still that dance we have to do."

"Will you wait for me?" Keith asked holding onto lance arm.


"Lance....will you wait for me?"

Lol I totally didn't leave you on a cliffhanger

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