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Keith and Steven were walking to class together. Normally they would be in class by now but Keith kinda went somewhere with lance and made out with him for a while.

Steven was late become his father stayed up all night and could not take him to school. So he had to call rolo to come pick him up.

"Hey I have not heard from Allura in a while." Steven said out of the blue.


"Yeah dude it's like after lance broke it off with her she's been quiet. A little too quiet." Him and Keith stopped near the bathrooms.

"I'm pretty sure it's nothing though. I'm going to the bathroom real quick wait for me ok."

Steven then ran into the bathroom to do his business. Well he's only going to pee. He hates taking a shit in public.

Keith then thought about what he said about Allura. It is weird for her to be this silence. She's usually active in social media but after that break up she's not.

"Are you Keith?" A voice so low that it will scare you said from behind Keith.

Keith felt like something was off. He didn't want to turn around.

"N-no sir I'm not Keith." Was what he said.

"Oh really then." The man took out a picture from behind him. "You have the same mullet as him though. Why don't you turn around for me so I can see your pretty young face?" He said as he smirked in a wicked way.

"N-no tha-thanks sir. I'm good. I'm just waiting for my friend and that all." Keith was shaking. Why would someone be looking for him.

"That was not a yes or a no. That was a demand."

Keith without thinking ran into the bathroom with Steven and shut the door and locked it. The boy bathroom door won't keep them safe though. It could break any minute.

"Keith?" Steven voice came from behind him. "What's wrong?"

Before Keith could answer him the door bust down and 5 man came into the bathroom.

"Wow this is going to be fun."


Nyma walked into the student cancel room. That is were Allura was at. Nyma looked so pissed that if you looked into her eyes you will be set on fire.

"Nyma? What's wrong?" Allura asked shocked at the girl who bust down the door.

"What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG?! Oh I'll tell you what's wrong. You are being a bitch that's what's wrong. You think I didn't know that you hired my cousin to hunt Keith down! Allura what the fuck?! The mans a rapist and a murder. He went to jail for that and you hired him to get Keith!"

Nyma walked up to Allura's face and slapped her.

"Your one to talk! Remember in middle school and half of highschool you used to bully Keith and would sleep with any guy just to get what you want. Your nothing but a good digging bitch."

"Don't you dare try to turn this around on my bitch! I know what I did was wrong but I fucking changed after rolo lifted me! I realized my mistake! What is it going to take for you to realize your!"

Nyma turned to leave but Allura stopped her.

"You can't just leave like that. Listen if you tell anyone about this I'll tell people about your relationship with Billy got that." Allura said with as she handed Nyma photos of her and Billy.

Billy looked almost like Keith. He had a mullet like him and wore darks clothes. The difference in them is their eye colors and personality.

"Fine I won't tell anyone about this but if Keith's dead I'm telling. Even if that means I'll have to end my relationship with the man I love."

Nyma walked off glad that Allura didn't fight her. She can't get into any fights anyway. It would be bad for the babies inside of her.

Pidge came out of hiding and she watched Nyma walk off.

She could not believe that Allura did something like that and she got it all on her phone.

"What should I do with this? Should I tell lance or let Keith die...."

Hmmmm Hey Allura you and Lotor have a pretty nice relationship there. It would be bad if something happens to it ;)

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