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6 weeks later

"Lance my man can you believe it! We are almost close to graduation time!" Ryan yelled at him.

6 weeks have passed since Keith moved away. Things have been going great for lance so far. He met Ryan and they became friends so fast. They share everything in common.

"Yeah. Time do past by fast."

"Hey what do you plan on doing after college?" Ryan asked blushing.

"Oh I plan on coming back here to become a teacher. What about you?"

"Well I'm not going to leave the country because the college that I'm going to is here but I do plan on becoming a teacher as well. Lance can I ask you something?"

"Sure you can ask me anything."

"Will you wait for me?"

Lance stopped dead at his tracks.

"What did you just say?"

"I'm asking will you wait for me. You see I liked you for a very long time and I felt like this was the perfect time to tell you. So will you go out me and become my boyfriend?" Ryan looked away blushing like crazy. He didn't know what lance answer was going to be after all.

Lance was silent and then he remembered something. That was the last thing Keith said to him before he lifted.

Lance turned and looked at him.

"I'm sorry Ryan but I'm already with someone that I love." Lance said giving him a smile.

"Oh...I'm sorry I didn't know. I'm happy for you lance but um who is he or she."

"His name is Keith. He in Korea right now for highschool and college."

Ryan saw the love in his eyes. Lance never once looked at him like that. Whoever this Keith guy was he most have met a lot to lance.

"Well I'm sure he'll be back for you so don't worry. Come on now let's get into the lunchroom. I heard that they brought food from a fast food restaurant this time."

Both Ryan and lance walked into the cafeteria together hoping to eat lunch in peace with there friends but nope when they got there they saw people will their phones out , people shouting and cheering , and teachers trying to get past students.

They also saw Romelle on top of Allura punching her Allura doing the same but is loosing.

"Say it again bitch! I want you to say it again!" Romelle shouted as she was still punching Allura in her face.

Allura pushed her off of her and dragged Romelle by her hair slamming her into the table near by.

"Keith is nothing but trash! He is fucking shit! All he do is cry and can't solve problems for himself!"

"Oh Romelle beat her ass! No one talks shit about my friends like that" Steven said

"Hey gay boy shut the hell up!" A random kid said.

"Oh are you talking me!"

"Yeah I'm talking to you faggot!"

Steven was about to go over there and show that guy a peace of his mind but a teacher came and stopped it before another fight broke out.

"Yo what the hell is going?" Lance asked Hunk.

"Well Allura being Allura was talking about Keith in a mean way saying that he watches gay porn and fucked his brother. Then she said that he even fucked old men. It made me really uncomfortable but before I could say anything Romelle jumped on her and well this happened."

They both turned back to the fight to see Romelle holding Allura by her hair and dragged her into the hallway still punching her in the face.

"Damn the teachers are weak. They still haven't stopped the fight."

It took ten teachers to pull Romelle and Allura away from each other.


"Do any of you girls mind explaining what's going on? Allura I would like for you to go first since Romelle throw the first punch."

Romelle rolled her eyes at this but stayed quiet.

"Thank you." Allura said before busting into tears and crying really loudly. "She just came and attacked me for no reason. All I was talking to my friends but she just jumped me. I don't know what I did wrong but please you have to believe me."

The principal rolled his eyes and handed Allura a napkin.

"Romelle why would you do that?"

"Because this bitch was talking shit about my friend and I had enough of her bullshit. Just because her daddy got money does not mean she can walk all over people like that!"

"Who is this friend? I would like to call them up to the office and here from them."

Romelle looked to the floor feeling sad.

"I'm afraid that would be impossible because Keith moved to Korea sir."

"So you were talking about Keith?"


"Then I don't see the problem. Keith has moved and so should you I mean he's not here he won't hear what Allura said."

Romelle looked at the principal in full shock. He was at the prom how could he say something like that.

She hard Allura give out a small chuckle but covered it with a fake cry.

"That's unfair! She's a mean and cruel person! Are you just going to let her get away with this?" She shouted at him wanting to grab his face a beat him like she did Allura.

"That's enough! He shouldn't have been a loser then! If he was popular like you and Allura then he would have never been depressed in the first place."

Before Romelle could say another word a knock came from the door.

"Come in!"

Nyma walked in with papers in her hand. Billy was also with her.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"Um sir I have proof that Allura is a cruel person. She was the cause the Keith's mother death and she also hired someone to beat him. She threatened to keep me quiet to by talking about......me and Billy's relationship." She said grabbing onto his arm not wanting to let go of it.

The room was silent for a while. Until Billy broke it.

"Sir I have already called the cops on myself and you and Allura too. I don't know what will happen to us but the school needs to change and I'm going to make that change. I don't care if I spend the rest of my life in jail with you but I'll be happy that at least I tried to make a change."

The cops walked in and put them in handcuffs. Allura was struggling while the principal accepted his faith.

3 more chapters lifted guys

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