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Lance and hunk were sitting in the booth of a coffee shop.

They were doing their homework for tomorrow's test.

"Can you explain to me again why pidge couldn't show up?" Lance didn't know the answer to any of this shit. He should be at home watching the game or playing video games. Not wasting his time on stupid shit.

"Lance you know pidge had to stay after school for science club. She'll be there for our game tomorrow though so that's good!"

"Yeah sure"

Lance looked down on his phone. He was looking through his messages seeing if he girlfriend Allura had texted him back yet. Sadly she didn't.

Lance saw something under Allura names though. A name he has not heard in days.

It was Keith's number. Keith was lance childhood friend. They would do anything together even if it's gets them in trouble.

He and Keith have changed over the years slowly loosing interest in each other.

Lance used to play soccer in middle school and elementary now all he wants to do is play football or basketball. Lance used to make all As now he's making all BS and Cs. Lance didn't care about how people thought of him. Now he does. Lance always helped people in need. Now he doesn't help at all just watch them suffer, and he laughs at it.

Keith on the other used to have white hair. Now he has black hair. Keith nails us to be clear now it's not. His nails are all black. Keith never wore lipstick or lip gloss. Now his lips are black. Keith never used to have tattoos now he does. Keith never wore make up, and now he's wearing it. Keith made all As, and he's still making all As. Keith really likes an art club now he's not in it.

Lance shouldn't care about Keith though. Keith was the one who ruined their friendship. It was all his fault. If Keith never had kissed his girlfriend a lied about being gay then they would have still been friends.

"Lance buddy are ok? You look like you're about to break your phone." Hunk said with the hint of worry in his voice.

"I'm fine hunk just thinking too hard. Hey let's finish this at my house. That way I won't miss my mamas famous dish." Lance said as he was packing his things ready to leave.

"Sounds great. Your mother has not made that in forever." Hunk really likes lance mothers cooking. Not as much as his moms though.

Lance and hunk got into lance car and started to make their way to lance house.

OOP I'm doing two versions of this. Twitter and Wattpad version. The Twitter version will not come soon tho, but I'll let you know when I'll make it, and I'll also start on the bad boy Au tomorrow or next Saturday when I have the time.

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