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The next day at school and lance was on a mission.

His first mission was to find Allura and break up with her. He spent the whole night crying over a cheating bitch. Next he would find Lotor and beat the living shit out of him. Then he would go to Keith and try to work things out with him.

I mean they were childhood friends and now they a enemies over a stupid reason.

"Hey lance." Hunk greeted along with him was Pidge and Allura. Once Allura saw him she ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"Babe you finally came. Don't ever keep me waiting like that ever again. Ok silly?" Allura said and went to pull him in for a kiss but lance pushed her away from him causing her to fall on the ground.

Everyone in the building was watching now and were waiting to see what would happen.

"Do you think this was funny?! Making a fool out of me!" Lance yelled he let all his anger out.

"I fucking heard you Allura. You were sleeping with that white haired asshole!" Lance keeps yelling at her. The felt his vision get blurry like he was going to cry. He can't cry here. What will people thing of him now if he does.

Without him noticing he was pulled into a closet and was in a tight hug.

"It's ok lance. Even though you hate me...you can still cry on my shoulder." Keith said as he  brought lance head down and hugged him.

Lance then started to cry. Not ever caring if it's on Keith. "Keith I-I'm" lance was cut off by Keith hugging him tighter.

"I know." Was all Keith.


"Let us fucking in there! Lance is not in his right mind and could be breaking down in there worse because of your friend!" Pidge yelled at Esma as she blocked the way.

"Like I said for like the million time hell no!" She said not caring if Pidge would punch her face later.

"Why you little?!" Pidge balled her fist up and was ready to punch her when a hand  stopped it.

"Pidge what's going on?" Rachel ( lance's sister asked ) asked.

"This bitch won't let us in to see if lance is ok." Pidge then glared at the girl.

"Lance if fine. Just give them some time alone damn."  Esma then took out her phone and started to play on it.

That's when Pidge took it out her hand and threw it to the ground. " now let me in there or you could end up like your stupid phone." She threatened.

Esma looked to the ground and saw her phone was cracked. She then looked back up at Pidge.

Let's just say things got ugly and a fight broke out.

Goth to jock : klance auWhere stories live. Discover now