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It's been a days since lance last spoke to Keith. He was hurting very bad after that day. He no longer smiled at people. He no longer cared about getting his grades up either.

He just gave up like he gave up on Keith.

Lance was walking up the stairs and pasted Keith who was walking down the stairs with Steven. They both looked at each other. Keith was the first one to look away from him.

Lance wanted to turn around and tell Keith how he really felt so badly but he couldn't find the courage to do that.

"Wow lance your very late today again. What's up?" Pidge said as lance got to the roof of the school.

"It's nothing just having a off time that's all." He lied.

He hates lying to his friends but he really didn't want to let them know that he was hurting. If he did Pidge will try to find some way to blame it on Keith and hunk will try to cheer me up knowing full and damn well that I deserved it.

"That's bullshit and you know it." Steven said suddenly appearing in front of lance.

"What the hell are you doing here?! Sudden you be fucking Keith in the bathroom." Pidge said.

"Shut up short ass and eat pussy. Anyway lance what you said was total bullshit. You love Keith don't you?"

"No I don't."

"Lies is all I hear. Look if you don't get to Keith then I will." Steven said with a smirk look on his face.

Lance paused for a second.

"What the hell did you just say?" Lance said with his hands balling up into a fist.

"Oh it's just that Keith is hot as hell ya know. You know what I never been with a Korean kid at all. I bet he's good in bed. Just imagine that tight hole he has in his butt sucking my-"

Steven didn't get a chance to finish his what he was saying. He was on the ground in an instant with lance punching his face.

"Stay the hell away from Keith you pervert! He's mines not yours! I LOVE HIM NOT YOU!" Lance shouts in anger.

"What the hell did you just say?" Pidge said looking at the ground.

Lance realized what just said.

"I said that I loved Keith. I love him to the point that I don't want to let him go.....I really fucking love Keith."

"Then tell him that you jerk." Steven spoke. " look I see the way you look at him. It's quite funny really. You being mean to him was all just an act to deny your feelings. Go to him man. Also I was never into Keith I'm into rolo."

Steven then got up and lifted the three of them alone.

Lance looked at his friends and the door. It was like he was trying to make a decision.

"Lance are you really going to go back to Keith. The asshole that caused you so much pain!"

"Pidge I caused myself pain not Keith. I'm sick of blaming everything on Keith and if you can't expect the fact that I want to be with Keith......then let's stop talking to each other. I want a friend that would be there for me not a friend that will talk behind my back about the guy that's about to probably be my boyfriend." Lance looked at Pidge waiting for her answer.

"Fine. I'll accept it but just to let you know I don't want anything and I mean anything to do with Keith." She said while crossing her fingers.

"Pidge just what the hell did Keith do to you to make you hate him so much?" Lance asked.

"Shut up and just go to him."

Lance ran out and went to look for Keith. While he was doing that he pasted a person with beautiful blond hair.

It's funny cause the girl kinda looked like Nyma the girl that lance liked that cause lance to hate Keith so much.

The girl turned around and looked at lance as he ran down the hallway like a crazy person.

"It's good to see you back to your bright and cheerful self lance but I wonder what dark things will happen if you two are together. This school is full of homophobia after all." She said to herself as she walked off.

Guess what Nyma is not the bad guy in this story :) though she does have a lover in here but it's illegal for her to date the guy due to her being a student and him being a teacher.

Goth to jock : klance auWhere stories live. Discover now