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"Keith come downstairs already! Lance will be here soon!" Shiro yelled as he was getting his camera ready to take photos of Keith.

"Wow shiro you're acting like my mother." Adam laughed as he looked at his soon to be husband.

"Well since our mom died she always wanted to take Keith's prom pictures but I'm doing it for her now. Yes Keith will be embarrassed but who cares."

Keith came downstairs wearing a red suit. His hair was pulled back in a small ponytail.

"So um how do I look?" He asked nervously while looking at the ground.

"Like a Prince. Adam take a picture with Keith." Shiro said as he got in camera man pose.

Both Keith and Adam laughed but took the picture anyway.

"Do you have all you're stuff packed?" Adam asked him.


"Ok I'm going into the kitchen to finish cooking. Call me when lance gets here."

Adam then walked off leaving shiro and Keith alone. It was about time that they talk things out as brothers. They can't keep avoiding each other forever.

Neither of them said a word for a while. Just stood there looking at each other. Shiro was the first one to break the silence.

"Keith I wanted to say sorry for everything that I have done. I'm also sorry that I'm giving you away like this if I could change things I would. I'm the only family you have lifted and I just gave you away to some strangers that are mom's friends. I promise I'll try to get you back."

"It's ok shiro. I think......it's best if I leave and go stay in Korea. There are so many hunted memories here for me and I need a fresh start in life. Don't worry I won't stay in Korea forever. It's only until I'm stable to come back here." Keith said giving shiro a smile.

"Keith the people you are staying with won't allow you to have a phone on you. You won't be able to contact you're family."

"I know that. That's why I won't to make the my last day memorable with you and everyone I love. Besides it won't be long. It's only until high school and college. You're my big brother I'm sure that you can understand me."

Shiro was trying so hard not to cry. He can't let Keith see that he was weak.

"Then give me a hug since this is my last time seeing you."

Keith ran into his arms and hugged him tight not wanting to let go of his family. Damn he was going to miss his own brother wedding. He won't even know if shiro and Adam would even have a child together.

After all Keith's leaving his boyfriend , family , and friends all behind. He don't want anyone crying over him because of him leaving. He wants everyone to have a big bright smile as he leaves and when he returns there smile will still be there.

"I which I could have been part of your life a little bit more but I guess it's too late for that." Shiro said as he broke the hug but still kept his brother close.

"Me too shiro. At least you're here now and I'm glad."

The doorbell then ranged telling them that lance had arrived.

"Oh that most be lance." Adam said as he came back into the room were the boys were at.

"I'll get it." Keith said as he walked away from them.

Adam looked at shiro and gave him a proud smile.

"Hey shiro you did a good thing for him. Even though it might hurt you but you're giving Keith a second chance in life and I'm proud of you for that."

"I know but it's going to hurt to much for him to leave me and all his friends behind."

Adam hugged shiro from behind.

"You know it's ok for man to cry sometimes. I'm here for you so cry on my shoulders all you want. I'll never let you go again."

That's what shiro did. He turned around and cried on Adam's shoulders for a while.


"Shiro are you done yet. I'm sick of standing here?" Keith complained as shiro was still taking pictures.

"Just one more then you can leave. Ok?"

"Ugh fine but make it fast."

Lance put his arms around Keith waist again and held him close as Keith did the same to him.

"Ok now smile!"

That's exactly what Keith did. He gave shiro a big smile and also gave him the middle finger in the process.

"Wow Keith what a good way to end things." Shiro said as he rolled his eyes at the picture. "Here lance you can keep this I'll keep the rest since they don't have any rude Keith's in there."

Lance let out a laugh and took the picture.

"Well we might as well get going unless shiro wants to take anymore pictures." Lance said

"Nope we are good babe. Bye shiro bye Adam. Until we meet again."

Keith then pushed lance out the door slamming the door in the process.

"Bye Keith." Both shiro and Adam said.

They watched as the car pulled out and lifted out of there site.

"Well since Keith is gone I was thinking about turning his room into and office. I mean you're job requires it after all. It can be a good work place or we can turn it into a babies room whenever we get ready to have kids. Shiro why are you not writing this down I have many more ideas."

Shiro just shook his head and walked off to get a pen and paper.

Yeah he was going to miss Keith but with Adam here he felt complete and happy with his decisions.

Haaaa my friends are going to force me to go to our school prom if we even have one.

Anyway we are very very very close to the end now people so I'll update this everyday until it's done because I can't hold my happiness of finishing my first story

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