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"Mr.galra I need your help." Allura said with a hint of fear in her voice.

Her and Lotor were talking again which is good but they also came up with a plan together that might end very badly.

"What is it that you need? Can't you kids see that I am busy here?" Zarkon was always busy with something. He owns his own business for crying out loud.

"Yes sir we can see that but a kid at school had been causing us trouble and we were wondering if you could maybe stop it." Lotor was not scared of his father.

Him and his father had always had a horrible past with each other ever since he was in elementary school.

Lotor's mother was in the hospital due to an illness after Lotor was born. He has never seen the women  because of his father.

"What is this kids name?" He asked in a  very deep yet scary voice.

"Keith sir" Allura reply

There was no thought that this was going to end very badly.

"Just give me a last name and I will see what I can do with him." He said with a wicked smile.


"Hey hunk........do you think that Allura is actually cheating on me?" Lance asked. They were all at pidge house playing video games before they go into testing.

Hunk didn't answer at first. He thought that this whole situation was stupid But there was this slight chance that Allura could be cheating on him.

Hunk did run into Allura by the lockers with Lotor. Allura did look pretty red in the face and she looked like she had a fresh hickey on her neck as well.

"No lance i don't think she's cheating on you." Hunk lied. He felt bad for lying to his friend but it was better then seeing him heart broken over a slut like that.

"If you ask me I think she is." Pidge said not once looking up from her game. " her and Lotor have been secretly meeting each other after school almost everyday. Also she has been hiding her neck from people. You would think that you gave her a hickey but nope you never touched Allura that way." Pidge finished.

Lance looked down at the ground for a moment. What Pidge had told him broke his heart.

He could never see Allura doing that. She was the sweetest girl on the planet.

"Ok thanks for telling me Pidge." Lance got up heading for the door. "I'm leaving now mama wants me home on time today so see ya." Was all he said before walking out the door.

I like how everyone is out of school because of a fucking Toronto warning but my school nooo you have to fucking stay and die with us what's worse we are also watching out for a fucking flood and I still got school?????

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