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Keith came to school on the day of the exams.

He didn't have to take it until next week due to him being at home and not getting any school work.

"Keith it's good to have you back!" Steven yelled as the boy walked into the classroom.

"It's good to have you back Keith." Romelle said soon giving Keith a hug that will probably last for a long time.

"It's good to be back. Where's Esma?"

Keith looked around the room and saw that his close friend was no where to be seen.

"Oh she's probably making out with Rachel. They got together while you were gone." Steven said moving his eyebrows up and down.

"Oh really. Wait you mean Rachel McClain?"


"As in lance sister Rachel who is in college right now?"

"Yup that's the one all right. Oh and there's also bigger tea. You know Pidge brother Matt?"


"HE GOT HIS GIRLFRIEND PREGNANT!" Romelle yelled at Keith getting up all in his face.

Everyone in the classroom looked at them.

"Oh um sorry. I hope you all do well on your exams." Romelle then sat down in her sit looking at her math book again.

The teacher soon came in 10 minuets later with the test in his hands. Once he got up to Keith's desk he told him to go to the library and study there since he didn't have any test to take.

Keith was in no position to turn down the offer. All he did was grab his things and walked out.

So now he's in the library all alone.

"Damn this is boring." He said throwing his book to the ground.

"Hey Keith." Came a voice.

"Oh lance. What are you doing here? Don't you have exams to take?" Keith asked him

"Oh mines are tomorrow. I'm probably going to fail them due to my tutor not showing up to school."

"Oh.......sorry lance I'll try to make it up to you I promise."

"You know Keith all you do is thing about yourself. You never think about others. How much of and ass are you going to be?" Lance told him " when we were friends we made a promise to never betray each other and to never leave each other but you fucking lifted and did shit behind my back. Why can't you think about other people for once in your fucking life."

"I lifted. I was the the one who FUCKING LIFTED! LANCE YOU LIFTED ME AFTER A STUPID MISUNDERSTANDING! YOU NEVER ONCE CARED FOR ME LIKE I CARED FOR YOU!" Keith said feeling the tears that he has been hiding for years come out of him now.


Keith looked at lance with a glare in his eyes.

"The worst part of loving you is watching you make a fool out of yourself when I can't do anything about it. Why now did you have to start bothering me about this?" Keith asked lance.

Lance didn't say anything. He just keep quiet after hearing shout at him.

"If you have nothing to say then......don't ever talk to me again. If you do have something to say then......let's talk things out without use hurting each other." Keith said

Lance wanted to say something but couldn't find the right words to put it in. So he grabbed Keith a forcefully kissed him.

Keith didn't even try to push lance away he just let him do it. Soon the kiss started to get heated. Lance pulled away before anything else could happen.

"Lance.....did you do that out of love or just to mess with me?"

Lance looked Keith straight in the eyes.

"I.......just wanted to mess with you. Keith you mean nothing to me. Your just a looses who needs to be put in there place." Lance lied.

Lance will forever just keep lying to himself. He loved Keith. He that out when he talked to Steven.

Keith looked at lance with sadness in his eyes.

"That's great to know. This is goodbye then lance. You won't have to talk to me again after this year ends. I'll be moving to Korea after the prom which is not long at all. I hope you do great on the test lance." Keith then ran off out of lance sight.

Lance saw that Keith lifted his notebook sitting on the table. He picked it up and a picture fell out of it.

It was a picture of them when they were still together. It was when things were perfect and not a mess as it is now.

"Keith. I'm so sorry. I'm the main one thats causing you so much pain."

Well that shit happened........but on the bright note I'm ready for my favorite Bl series tharntype season 2 to hurry up and come the fuck out!!!!!!!!!

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