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Lance ran into an empty classroom knowing that Keith will be there. This is were Keith would always go whenever lance or anyone hurts him.

"Keith." Lance said as he saw the boy standing there looking out the window.

Keith turned around and lance thought that his heart would hurt just from looking at the dullness in the beautiful boy's eyes.

This is what he caused and he's going to be the one to fix the him. Lance don't care if Keith rejects him. He can't loose him again.

"Keith......I'm sorry."

"Lance what are you doing here? Why are you apologizing?" Keith asked as he turned around fully to the boy.

"Keith I love you. I always have I just wanted to deny the fact that I had feelings for you by being an ass to you...accusing you of things that you didn't even do. I was just jealous that Nyma actually liked you that day and I felt like you ruined everything."


"There is no excuse for my actions. I was just jealous of you all this time Keith. I mean your parents are always proud of you. The teachers treat you with respect. Everyone in the school looks up to you but after what I did everyone has been an ass to you. It's all because of my and I'm sorry for that Keith. So could you please give me a chance?" Lance then walked up to Keith and held his hand with his.

"I want to be with you. That day at the library when you asked me if I loved you....Keith the answer to that is that I do love you."

"Lance would you just shut up and let me talk!" Keith shouted at him.

"Yeah it's true that I should fucking reject you and never trust you again but I'm not going to do that because I love you! Now if you want to prove yourself worthy of my love then shut the hell up and kiss me!"

Lance looked at Keith with a shocked look and then smiled at him. He bent down and kissed him. He held him close and never wanted to let him go again.


Keith and lance were sitting on the ground in the classroom. Keith head was laying on lance shoulder and lance laying on Keith head.

They both were still holding hands even after there wild make out section.

"Lance....what will your family think of this?" Keith asked him.

It's true what would lance family think about this. After finding out that his older sister Veronica was dating Keith sister Axca. They sent her off to a camp. Axca got sent to boarding school.

"I don't know Keith. I don't want to worry about that now. I want to make as many memories with you as I can before you leave me forever." Lance said.

Keith looked down. He forgot that after the prom he was going to move to Korea with his mother's ex lover.

"It's not going to be forever. I'll make sure to come back to you lance. Even if it takes years to do that I'll always find a way back to you just like you found a way back to me." Keith said getting off of lance and standing up.

"Keith were are you going?" Lance asked him as his boyfriend suddenly just got up from his shoulder.

"I got to head home Adam will be worried about me if I get home late. See you tomorrow lance." Keith said walking out the classroom.

Lance was about to head out when he was stopped by Pidge.

"So your really going back to him huh." She said.

"Yes Pidge. Look I'm sorry if this hurts you but I only see you as a friend. You'll find your guy one day ok. Stay positive."

"How can I stay positive if I only want you lance!" Pidge said. Tears were coming out her eyes at this point.


"No lance can't you see that I also love you!" Pidge then grabbed lance by his shirt and kissed his lips.

Lance pushed her off him and then ran away. He knew he should talk about this to her but he couldn't. He didn't know what to do.

"Damnit god! How come whenever something good happens to me it turns bad in the end."

Hmmmm don't worry lance. There is going to be a lot more drama then that one baby.....

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