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Keith was walking through the hallways trying to get to his first class of the day but the people at this school was making it really fucking hard.

This was Keith's senior year, and he's already annoyed with the people at this school.

Esma was not with him now because she wanted to walk her girlfriend to class like a good girlfriend would do.

As Keith was walking a kid bumped into him. Keith was about to tell this kid off when he saw who it was.

Lance. Could his day get any better?

"Jeez! Watch where you're going next time goth boy." Lance said and was about to walk away until Keith said something.

"Actually you should watch where you're going to Lance because you bumped into me and didn't apologize." Keith told him. By this time a crowd started to form around them.

Lance was never told off by anyone below his standards. Until now.

Lance looked pissed. Like he could kill somebody.

"Oh really. So I bumped into you know. Well I guess you're right about that but guess what? You are still a lier and a girlfriend stealing machine." Lance said that and walked away from him.

The crowd was still around Keith. They started whispering things to each other making Keith feel not wanted.

Keith had to get out of there and fast before he starts to have a panic attack.

Keith ended up not going to his first class because he knows that people will talk.

People always talk about things that are happening to other people.

They never think about if they are hurting this person or not.


Lance was sitting in class next to his girlfriend Allura.

She was the most popular girl in school. She could have any boy she wanted, and she chose lance out of all the people in the school.

"So I heard about what happened. You ok baby?" She whispered to him when the teacher turned her back towards the class.

"I'm ok baby. You don't need to worry about me but are you ok. You're barely answering my text and calls. Also, you are becoming distant from me now. What's up with that?" Lance asked her.

Lance was always a guy to worry about people. Mainly his family and friends. He got this from his mother who is always worrying about lance.

"Nothing. Just trying to keep my grades up. You know how important graduation is to me, and it's also very close, so I need to get more serious. Then we have that big test coming up determining if we pass or not." She told lance.

Allura was a very smart girl. She is always making A's on her test. She's planning on going to England for college then come back to the USA and run her fathers business.

Her father is the second richest person in the world. The first would be Lotor's father.

"Ugh don't remind me. They are giving me a tutor today." Lance said as he put his head down on the desks.

When lance and Keith were little and were still cool with each other. Lance would always fall asleep in class and Keith would always take notes for him. But those days were over and gone with.

Keith was the last person lance wanted to see. After Keith betrayed lance trust he could feel nothing but hate for the boy.

All he is to lance is and asshole who wants attention.

Part of lance still misses Keith, but he knows things will never be the same. Ever again.

That was until now.

Both Keith and lance didn't know that their senior year would reunite them once again, and it all started this afternoon.

Sorry for slow updates I'm trying to focus on school and practice for my drivers test that's coming up very soon.

Goth to jock : klance auWhere stories live. Discover now