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It was the weekend so Keith didn't have to teach lance anything today. Which is good because after that fight between him and his friends he's pretty sure lance was pissed at him.

Keith was in his room playing his guitar. It always seemed to calm him down whenever he was feeling lonely.

"Keith can you do me a favor and go to the store for me? You can get something you like from there if you want." Shiro yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah sure." He said.

He put his guitar up in the closet and got dressed. He really was not in the mood to do his hair right now. He's just going to the store nothing really important there.

"What do you need me to get?" Keith asked shiro once he got downstairs.

"Oh here's a list. You can take my car if you like. Say Keith when you get back.....how about watching a movie with me like you did when we were younger."

"No thanks." Was all he replied and walked out the door. He didn't take shiro's car because it will bring back memories for him.

As he was walking past lance house he could not help but noticed that lance was not looking outside his window like he would be doing whenever he's at home.

"I should just forget about him. He doesn't care about me anyway."

Once those words lifted his mouth he felt his heart drop.

"Yeah I should forget about him."

( trigger warning *panic attack * please do not read if you get triggered by this )

Lance don't care about you anymore. Why should you worry about him? It was your fault that he ended up like this. You should have kept your mouth shut.

"No no no plz not again."

Keith was on the ground holding himself. He felt tears coming down his face. He was shaking really bad. No one seemed to see it at all.

"I can't breathe someone plz help me." He cries

Who would want to help you goth wannabe? Stupid it's your fault that your father died and that your brother lost an arm.

You wanna know why your mother has not returned yet? It's because she lifted you! You killed her husband! You hurt her first born son! You are nothing but a mistake!


"NOOOOOOOO! LET ME GO! JUST LET ME GO!" Keith was breaking down very badly.

He didn't know that someone walked by and saw him have his attack. He didn't know that he was in the hospital room with the nurses trying to calm him down.

He didn't know that his brother was right outside listening to his little brother break down.

He didn't know.

He didn't know anything but the fact that he was the person that was causing the people around him to suffer.

( end of trigger warning )


"Lance may I come in?" His mother asked with a cup of water in her hand.

"Yeah mom."

She came in and sat beside him on the bed. She handed him the cup of water.



"Keith had a panic attack in front of the house lance. He got sent to the hospital. Me and your father are going to pay him a visit. Would you like to come with us?" His mother asked.

Lance didn't know what happened but something in him snapped.

Keith this Keith that! It's always about Keith.

"Why the hell is it our business to check on the goth wannabe!? He's not part of our family! His mother should be the one going!" Lance yelled at his mother. This was a first for him to be yelling at her like that.

"Lance! What is wrong with you? Did something happen between you and Keith? If so then tell me so I could try to at least calm the problem down!"

"Nothing fucking happened! Me and Keith are no longer friends! He could die for all I care!"

"Lance you can not go around saying that! You know I raised you better then this!"

Lance could not take it anymore. He just wanted to be alone right now. He just broke up with his girlfriend that's more important then stupid mullet head. Right?

"Keith took the girl I had a crush on! He made me break up with Allura! Keith is a toxic person who deserves everything that's happening to him! Who knows if the panic attack was even real? He could have been faking it for all we know! He just wants nothing but attention. That's all he is. A attention seeking whore!"

Then everything got quite. Lance was now holding his right cheek that now has a red slap mark on it.

"Lance." His mother started in now a cold voice. " you disappoint me right now. This is not you. Me and your father are going now. I want you to stay home and think about what you said. Once we come back your father and I are going to have a long talk with shiro about this."

She then lifted to room slamming the door shut.

Lance slowly walked over to his blue desk picking up his water. His hands were shaking very badly that he ended up dropping the water to the ground. He didn't even bother to pick it up.

All he could do in that moment was cry.

Sorry for the short chapters I'll try to make the longer.

Goth to jock : klance auWhere stories live. Discover now