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"Hunk I don't know what to do man!? Pidge just kissed me out of no where and I'm dating Keith now! Should I tell him that my friend kissed me or keep it secret." Lance had his hands in his hair. It almost looked like he was going to pull his hair out.

"Lance calm down dude. I say you should tell Keith. The first thing in a relationship is trust.
You might not know what will happen if you don't tell him."

"But if I tell him he might hurt Pidge!"

"Then try to calm him down!" Hunk yelled from over the phone. They had school tomorrow and lance called him in the middle of the night for this shit.

"Ok....your right. Sorry for calling you this late at night I just didn't know what to do anymore."

"It's ok buddy. Say are you going to tell your parents about.....you and Keith?" Hunk shakily asked.

Lance I got quite. He turned and looked at a picture of his sister Veronica on the nightstand. It's been 2 years since he last saw her.

"No I'm not. I don't want to get separated from Keith. You know what happened to Veronica when she came out right? They sent her away to a damn camp and Axca got sent to a boarding school in Korea. I can't let that happen to me and Keith."

"Oh right sorry. I have got to go see you tomorrow lance. Goodnight ."

"Yeah....goodnight." Lance hung up the phone and laid in his bed.

"I wish I could come out to my parents."

"I do too." Rachel's voice came from the door.

Lance sat up so fast that it almost looked like he was in the middle of something.

"How long have you been there?!" He asked

"Long enough to know that your dating Keith. You could have told me you know. I'm dating his friend Esma."

"I know it's just that I was scared that you'll tell mom and dad about me. You did it to Veronica."

Rachel sighed and walked over to lance bed. She didn't sit down though. It would feel weird to do that after lance just told her why he was scared of telling her he was in a gay relationship.

"Look lance I'm sorry about the Veronica thing. I was just being stupid and letting my feelings get the best of me. I promise that I won't tell mom and dad about this ok." She held out her pinky finger waiting for lance to do the same.

"Ok I'll trust you." He lied.

"Thanks lance for giving me another chance. I won't have you sent away."

She hugged lance and lance returned the hug but he was not smiling. Deep in his heart he wants to believe Rachel's words but I he couldn't.


"What do you want shiro? If your here for Keith your going to have to wait a couple of days he's still pissed at you." Adam had his arms crossed and was avoiding shiro's gaze.

"I'm not here for Keith. I'm here to talk to you."

"Then talk."

Adam really was not in the mood for this now. Keith was probably still awake in his room.

"I'm sorry Adam."

Wait what

" I'm sorry for what I did to you. I was under a lot of stress and I know that's not an excuse for what I did to you. Adam while I was with Curtis I didn't feel happy at all because he was not you. It took me a while to realize that I was still in love with you. So could you give me a chance to fix things with you?"

Adam was silent for a while. He didn't know how to answer shiro. Part of him wanted to slap him and tell him no but the other part wanted to just kiss him and never let him go.

"This is your last chance got that. If you hurt me again I'll leave and never come back." He finally said.

Shiro was so happy that he picked Adam up hugged him tightly.

"Shiro put me down NOW!" Adam screams

"No way this is the happiest moment of my life."

Little did the two know that Keith was watching from the window. He was not mad but he was glad he had his big bro back.

Goth to jock : klance auWhere stories live. Discover now