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"Pidge what you did was really fucking stupid." Matt said as he drove his sister from the school. "I still can't believe that you would get into a fight over something so stupid."

"Matt if you were there you would have done the same thing and also I was close to winning if the stupid teacher or hunk didn't stop it." She muttered.

"Whatever. Just don't do this again." He said and went on with driving.

As soon as they got home Pidge ran up the stairs ignoring her mothers calls and her fathers angry face.

Everything that she has done was to make them happy but in the end she's the one getting in trouble for something so stupid. Like what's so wrong with helping a friend out.

Pidge laid down on the floor not even bothering to get in bed.

"I wish that I could stop fucking things up and make things right for once.

............... ////////*~*/////////.............

Matt was at shiro's house having a beer with him. After that argument with his sister he really needs to get his mind loose now.

"I don't get it shiro! I try to do the right thing but I just fuck up in the end! Why can't I just be like you and be that cool brother that Pidge always wanted?! Why can't I have the shiro huh?!" Matt said and then broke down crying.

"I can't even get the girls of my dreams to look at me!"

"Matt.... you don't have to be like me to be cool. You already are cool." Shiro said as he put his friend into a hug.

" Also I made mistakes Matt. I'm not cool. I lifted Adam to be with Curtis but know I regret and I still don't know what to do. Susan also noticed you dude. She came to me yesterday asking if you were ok after falling out the window." Shiro laughed at that because he was there when it happened.

"Really! Did she see my cool and amazing abs." Matt asked posing for shiro.

"Matt all I see nothing but flat meat."

"Your so mean."

"Anyway I thing you should try talking to Pidge and maybe she'll listen and forgive but stay here for tonight. I don't want your parents yelling at me wondering why There son came home drunk." Shiro said and then walked up the stairs.

He saw that Keith was standing there with his hippo in one hand and his pillow in the other.

"Keith? Everything alright buddy?" Shiro asked about to touch his brothers shoulder but Keith backed away.

"I'm fine." He then walked into his room and shut the door.

" Is everything alright up there shiro?!" Matt yells from up stairs.

"Yeah everything's fine." Shiro said

"Matt you are wrong. I'm not a cool big brother. I don't even know how to talk to Keith and tell him that our mother is dead.


Allura was crying into her pillow. Lance just fucking dumped her in front of everybody at school. Now she was all alone.

That stupid Romelle was making things even worse by showing off her relationship in front of her like that in class.

Ok maybe Romelle was not showing off. She was just having a really good time with James.

"God why did this have to happen? It's all that Keith's fault. Was not killing his mother not a good warning. Fine then I'll give him a bigger warning. One that he will not forget." Allura said as she grabbed her phone.

"Hello" a voice called at the end of the line.

"Hi I have a job for you and your little friends. You mind if we meet up and talk?" She asked.

"Sure thing just name a time and place.

Dun dun dun what is Allura up to!!!!

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