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Keith sat in the living room waiting for his mom and shiro it return home from there trip to the store.

Keith was glad that shiro had returned home from the hospital but it kinda pained him whenever he looked at shiro nose and arm. Cause it made him feel like he caused it,

"Sometimes I wish I was dead." Keith said to himself right before the his brother and mother walked into the house .

"Keith? What are you doing?! You are supposed to be studying. Do you want to fail?" His mother questioned as she sat the bags on the table.

"No." Was all keith answered before running up to his room.

He didn't want to be near his brother right now. He feels like he's looking  at stranger whenever he looks at him.


"Mom is it me or is Keith avoiding me." Shiro asked as he helped his mother make dinner.

"Oh sweetie he's not avoiding you. He's just busy focusing on his education. I use to do that a lot when I was his age." Krolia answered.

"It's good that he's focused on his education but to avoid his family for it...it just doesn't seem right." Shiro said as he put the noodles in the pot.

"And how do you know what's best for him? I know what's best for him and I also know what's best for you." Krolia said as she washed the last cup that was in the sink.

Shiro didn't like the way his mother turned out after his father died. It's like she's a whole other person.
Just as shiro was about to say something back to his mother her phone ranged.

" oh shit it's my boss. I'll have to take this. Shiro could you get Keith down here to help you?" Krolia asked well demanded as she walked out the room.


Lance was laying on his bed with Allura beside him. His parents were not home but they didn't mind that lance have Allura over. To them Allura was an angel who could do no wrong.

"Allura we need to talk?" Lance said with the hint of fear in his voice.

Allura hates that type of talk. It was the talk that Lotor used on her. "About what? Is something the matter?" She replied faking a smile to hide the sadness on her face.

"Is it true...that you and Lotor are seeing each other behind my back?" He asked now looking a the girl in hi arms.

"Lance no it's not true. Your my one and only. I would never cheat on you." She said. Damnit why could she not tell him the damn truth.

Was it out of fear that she could loose lance. But if she didn't break up with lance then Lotor would leave her or worse tell lance the truth.

"Ok thanks I should probably stop listening to people when they spread rumors. Gossip is a bad thing after all."  Lance smiles at her with that charming smile that she feel for whenever she looks at him.

"I should get going my father is having guests over and he don't want me to miss it. I really wish I could stay longer." Allura said while walking out of the door not giving lance a goodbye kiss like she would usually do after leaving his house.

"Ok bye see you tomorrow." Lance then shut the door and went to his window to watch her leave.

"I would do this to Keith when me and him were still friends." Lance thought out loud. "I kinda....miss him coming over here." Lance then went into the shower think about things.


Keith looked at Allura leaving lance house. He hates that she is cheating on lance with Lotor.

He deserves better.

A knock came from Keith's door. He hurried back over to his desk and was acting like he was here studying the whole time and not watching lance house.

"Come I-in." He stutter in he hurry to open his book back up.

"Keith? I didn't bother you with my knocking did I" his mother said.

"No ma you didn't. Did you need anything?" He said.

"Keith. I'll be leaving town for a couple of days and I want to say goodbye to you cause I have to leave right now." She said

"Oh" was all Keith replied

"Keith I want you to have this. It's my knife that your father gave me and I want you to have it. I know you miss her dearly and I'm sorry for being so harsh on you after his death I just want you to go to the right path instead of the wrong on." She said grabbing a brush and brushing Keith's hair that has gotten longer over the years.

"It's ok ma I understand and I'll do my best to make you and dad proud." He said with sadness in his voice.

"Oh Keith you-" she was cut off as her phone ranged and there was honking outside. "I have to go Keith I'll be back before you know it ok." She then got up and walked out of his room door.

Little did Keith know that was the last time he saw his mother.

Well I hoped you like this chapter sorry it taking so long to update but I'm a fucking busy person anyway I hope you check out my other stories the next story after this will be "bad boy" it's going to be a klance au.

Also I'm working on a novel series and I hope that you will read it. I already posted the first chapter of It.

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