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"Adam I'm home." Keith said taking off his shoes at the front of the door.

Adam popped his head out from the kitchen.

"Oh Keith your just in time for dinner. Go wash up while I get the table set ok."

Keith walked into the bathroom and saw a picture on the wall. It was a picture of shiro and Adam before shiro lifted him for another man.

That day Keith was there and he heard everything they said.


"How could you do this to me shiro!?" Adam voice could be heard from outside Keith's bedroom.

"We have been together for 5 fucking years and you won't to leave me for a guy you just met! What the hell?!"

"Look Adam it was fun while it lasted but Curtis understood me more and actually is fun to be around!"

Keith got up out of his bed and opened his door just crack to see what was going on.

He saw that Adam was crying and his face was very red and shiro looked like he didn't even care that much.

Shiro started drinking after the Axca and Veronica situation. He really thought that his mother was ok with the lgbt community but he was wrong.

"Adam it was never going to work out anyway! Besides I'm the one that should crying not you. Your the one that's only with me for my brother!"

"What the hell are you saying!?"

"Oh come on Adam! Your the only child in your family so of course you would be jealous that I have have a siblings and you don't! Your just the only child that's lonely and pathetic!"

Adam slapped shiro and walked away from him.

"Don't ever think about calling or being near me again you jerk!"

"Fine I can't stand you anyway! I have Curtis you asshole!"

Keith then walked out of his bedroom and walked up to shiro.

"Shiro? Why would you leave Adam like that? He's hurting. Mama said that you if you love someone really much you'll always be there for them. So why aren't you dare for Adam?" The young Keith asked.

Shiro looked at Keith in hate in his eyes. You could smell that shiro has been drinking.

"You should have never been born." Was Shiro said before walking up to his bedroom.

...................end of flashback.................

Keith sat up and noticed that he was laying in bed. He could have sworn that he was washing his hands in the bathroom.

"Oh Keith think god your awake. How are you feeling?" Adam asked while handing Keith a glass of water.

"I'm ok. What happened?"

"Oh you were taking to long in the bathroom and when I went to go check on you I found you passed out on the ground. Mind telling me what happened?"

Keith looked at the ground.

"Oh I just saw a the picture of you and shiro in the bathroom and I had a flashback of the day you guys broke up."

Adam didn't say anything at first. He didn't know what to say.

"Keith....I'm sorry you had to hear that but it's in the past. Shiro probably don't even think. At least not in the way I think about him."

"Shiro does think about you. When Curtis lifted him he realized that he was a fool and wanted you back but you didn't leave in the same place anymore so he couldn't find you." Keith admitted.

"You should get some rest Keith. If your hungry the food is in the fridge. Goodnight."

Adam then walked out and shut Keith's bedroom door.

As he was walking he walked pasted the bathroom. He walked in and took the picture.

"I should move on from you but I just can't. You show up and hunt me in my mind and dream how could I ever forget about you."

Adam phone started to ring. When he went to pick it up he was shocked to see who was calling him.

"Hello shiro."

"Hi Adam......can you meet me outside I have to talk to you."

Matt was going to be in the charter but I didn't feel like adding him.

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