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"Urm we will continue this next time you come, for now you can go back with your escort." I walked up to the door and knocked slightly for the police officer to know that I'm opening the door.

Though Hyonwu is calm, you can never be too careful with them. I opened the door and the police officer handled the boy gently. Honestly being here, sometimes you see the worst in people.

One small mistake and you're outcasted and treated like an animal. I think animals are treated better than they are.

The red warning was on in all the rooms, meaning we won't have the rest of the patients in the schedule and solve this problem whatever it is. I walked out and saw a guy being tased on the ground, Mark running frantically in the opposite direction of where the guy was.

I looked at the whole situation, can't help but feel confused about this. The guy is completely restrained by his clothes, what could he have possibly done to have Mark running, he is usually very chill handling patients.

The guy he laid there unconscious from the heavy voltage tasers that had touched his skin sending electricity through his body.

I immediately let my hand rest on my head as I mumbled under my breath, "I don't want any more patients."

Yea yea I know, I don't have the professionalism of the job as a psychiatrist, constantly trying to push away people who need help. Honestly I'm weak-willed, I can't deal with hardcore psychos.

I might be affected, and go crazy myself. Passing theory tests and helping distressed teens for my exams is one thing. These people who come here, are murderers, killers, psychopaths, sometimes they might even be sociopaths, it is not the same.

I regretted taking the job, though I was recommended by my professor to come here. He thinks I'm very outstanding so I might be able to help these people.

I am here not even for a year and I somehow manage to actually make a reputation for myself. It is not that it isn't good but, everyone requests for me, even if they aren't that bad.

No not the patients who request for me, it's the officers. They often come with patients so they probably saw me work and stuff like this, but seriously though, it is quite tiring.

Since it's red alert, I walked to my office to take my stuff and go home but I was stopped by my boss before I even reach the elevator.

"Before you go, I really need to speak to you." He said and I have no choice but to oblige because he is my boss and he had done my request of not assigning me more patients.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked as I took a seat on the leather chair right opposite of him.

"You know why is there a red alert?" He asked, well what an obvious question.

"No I don't." I answered truthfully. I mean it sounded pretty bad, the knocks were quite desperate from what I had heard in my room when I was having a session.

"It is Yoongi. Supposedly, one of the 6 patients you had to take but refused, so I handed him to Mark. This happened." He said as he pointed to a screenshot of the cctv footage in each room.

Mark was on the floor, his head slightly bleeding, the other guy, I assume it is Yoongi, his restraints are off.

"And what do you want me to do?" I asked, I knew his answer, he just wants to overwork me and my body for his own benefits.

Each person we take, we get a 500 bonus for our service, more like money to keep our mouth shut.

"I want you to take them. You saw Mark is bleeding all over and he was scared." Well I guess the medical team work fast because he seems okay to me, or my boss is lying and he photoshopped this picture.

"Like I said, I am not the only psychiatrist here. These people you are trying to send to me, they are more than what I'm used to handling. So stop. I don't want to hear it, unless you try all other doctors and I'm your last hope, I'm not taking them." I am firm with my words. I have to get out of this shit job.

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