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A car pulls up into the car park right outside the building, the boys are all in standby for the one person to enter. They are planning to ambush him.

Jung Gin walks out of his quiet car. It was surprisingly quiet as he walked in. The boys are all hiding with guns in their hands. Jungkook shoots first, hitting Jung Gin in the thigh. Hoseok shoots and it hits Jung Gin's arm.

"Brave of you to come alone." Yoongi yawns. He can't be bothered with the whole shit show. Jung Gin is on the ground holding onto his arm. "I didn't come here for this." Despite the agony Jung Gin is feeling, his voice is surprisingly calm and professional.

The boys looked confused, as if reading the minds of the boys, "Our plans were screwed up. Jung Su was supposed to be with Jimin, I was supposed to work behind the scenes." That explains a lot.

"Jimin isn't here to talk to you. What do you need now? Do you think taking advantage of him would be so easy?" Namjoon asks, voice rough and fists clenched as he thinks about what the brothers want to do to Jimin.

"Calm down. I know what I'm in for when I left my office. I'm simply here to provide you with some information, nothing more." A brown envelope was in his hands, something the boys didn't notice until it was mentioned.

"What is it?" Jin is absolutely skeptical about the man's agenda. They can never trust those brothers.

"Plans, to destroy whatever." Jung Gin said and placed the envelope on the floor and scooted away. Jungkook took it and opened it. He retrieved the papers and flipped through it. Indeed it was the plans, but they do not know for sure the truth of things.

"You know what, you're just going to die." Hoseok already has a knife held against Jung Gin's throat.

One slit, two slits, three slits, four, blood is spewing out onto the floor.

Five slits, six slits, seven slits, eight, Jung Gin's body went limp, not dead.

Nine slits, ten slits, its not yet over, because fun time has only taken over.

(I'm so bad at this)

Jung Gin glared at the 6 men who is causing immense pain for him. He bled to death extremely slowly and the 6 men just stared at him with no emotion at all.

Namjoon grabbed Hoseok and they went to a more secluded place where the boys couldn't hear them. "So how is it going to turn out?" Namjoon asked, anxious. He can't have the worse case scenario playing out at this stage.

"Well it can go two ways, Jung Su doesn't find out, we are safe, Jung Su somehow finds out, we are completely screwed." Hoseok briefly said and honestly Namjoon is scared of the outcome.

Lives are at stake here. "Can you send the plans to RM for him to check if it's true?" Namjoon says as he leaves for the rooms. He needed time alone.

Hoseok just nodded and they all went to do their separate things while Jungkook and Taehyung burn the body to ashes and clean the blood of the floor that has been stained.

"You know, there is no point in worrying." Yoongi says as Namjoon walks into the room. Namjoon jumped back slightly, not really expecting anyone to be there.

"You scared me, hyung." Namjoon heaves a sigh, "I'm not worried, I'm scared."

Yoongi scoffed, "You're a murderer, what could you be scared of?"

"Jimin is involved." Namjoon mutters, "They plan of having Jimin killed in their plans. I don't know how ruthless they can be but that can't happen."

"Namjoon, there is nothing you can do. The boy has to protect himself. You saw what he is capable of, surely he can get out if this ordeal himself." Yoongi yawned not really caring.

"Love is so cruel. How I wish I can just end my life here so that Love won't affect me anymore." Namjoon complains as he lay down on the bed, staring at the white ceiling above of him.

"Love is what keeps you sane, yet it can also go the other way." Yoongi turns over to face the wall as he falls asleep. Namjoon continues to think about the questions that swirl in his mind.

Jimin is awake now, well he was never asleep anyway and he heard everything. "Shit, I've gotten them involved once more." Jimin curses as he paces around his room.

The alarm blared loudly on his computer, Jung Su has started the timer for the bomb that is at the busiest train station in the whole of Korea.

"Shit shit shit!" It has been boring all along, let's start the next part with a bang.

Apparently, wattpad messed with my chapters so I have to rewrites the second part. Well the first version was boring I guess the deletion was not too bad.

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