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Jimin went back home after all this stupid chaos that had happened at work. He entered the comforts of his home removing his shoes and placing his bag near the door.

He walk further inside into his house then grabbing his clothes to go wash up in the bathroom.

He turned on his water heater and removed every article if clothing he had on his body, leaving himself fully exposed and entered the bathroom.

He entered his shower and turned on the shower head, warm water cascade down his skin washing away all the anger and all the problems he had faced today.

He never knew someone could be such a dick to people who had made some mistakes that seem unforgivable. Sure the lives were already taken and punishing them, counselling them, keeping them locked up, lives lost will not be brought back, however you shouldn't make their lives anymore miserable.

He stared at his skin that contained scars. He didn't know why but he started to hurt himself in every way possible. It is an oxymoron, a psychiatrist with problems, helping other people who have the same problems.

Sighing he let his hand push his hair up before kneading hair wash into his hair then lathering in the strawberry scented body wash.

He washed off all the soap and dried off with the towel. The towel touching each and every scar he has on his body, some were newly formed scars while others had been there for years.

He walked out and got dressed in a white shirt and grey sweatpants, then making his way to his kitchen to hang the towel up to dry and started to make some food for himself.

While he was making the usual kimchi fried rice he would always eat when he is at home, many questions raced through his mind.

Why are they treated badly? Why justice wouldn't be brought to those people? Is the world corrupted? Is his boss qualified to take over the institute? What could he do to improve conditions? What...

Too many questions to list and none had answers, more like he doesn't have answers for those questions himself. He turned off the fire and scooped all of the food into a plate.

He started to dig into the food that he had prepared himself, it is usually quiet anyway.

He quickly finished his food and washed up everything before going to bed. Tomorrow he had work to do, and it isn't the easy type of work.


The next morning, as usual, the routine and everything of changing into his clothes then leaving the house to go to his work place which he thinks that it is a hell hole now.

He walks in and made a beeline to his office avoiding everyone. He sat there alone, thinking.

His parents doesn't contact him, cause they disowned him for being gay, but funny thing though, when his parents need money, they call him instead of his younger siblings.

He never liked girls, never gone into relationships and he has to admit, Jungkook was attractive but there was a rule, you can't date patients.

It is like so damn obvious.

He took his clipboard and walked to his room where he meet the patients. He walked in and he was shocked, since Jay wore something like a white singlet he saw all the scars and burns on his body.

The poor guy cowering in a corner. Jimin pinched the bridge of his nose before letting out a sigh. He walked over and placed a gently hand on Jay's shoulder, even such a small action caused Jay to flinch.

Jay looked over and launched at Jimin for a hug. "Oof" Jimin grunted before placing a hand around Jay and rubbed soothing circles.

"Alright alright.... it's okay, you are safe for now. I'll be here to protect you." Jimin whispered to the sobbing boy.

"Okay now can you stand up and go sit over there and we can talk about what happen." Jimin patted Jay twice on the back. Jay just nodded and stood up walking over to the seat.

Jimin stood up, brushed himself off before walking to the seat opposite of Jay and sat down.

"So what happened? Why all these bruises and burnt marks suddenly?" Jimin asked as he looked up at the frightened boy.

He looked over to where the door was before looking down at the floor. Jimin knew from that movement alone, it was the officers.

Jimin is really contemplating on having his own place now because honestly these officers suck like hell. They hurt these people like they are the spawn of the devil.

"I'll go get some medication. You stay here, I'll lock the door so they cant come in and hurt you." Jimin stood up and walked out. He closed the door and locked it with his key before walking away but he was called back.

"You cant lock him inside there. He needs us to supervise him." One if them frantically called out. He knows what they want to do while he is gone.

"This is my room and this is my territory. You dare question my authority? I got one of your comrades arrested and left a few others who were injured unattended. Aren't you scared of what I may do to you? I even got some teeth out of my boss." Jimin is close to his limits.

He almost face palm himself, why he didn't notice this earlier. They always wore long sleeves and all but Jimin thought that was normal.

He didn't realise that there were so many bruises under those clothes.

Jimin guess they thought he didn't care about these criminals who were sent here for treatment.

"Ooo sassy me likey." An unfamiliar voice spoke up. Jimin turned around and he recognises the face, it was Kim Seokjin.

"I see you must be Seokjin." Jimin said.

"Are you my doctor?" Jin asked.

"No, but I have somewhere to be. They will bring you to the doctor you are assigned to." Jimin smiled before walking to his office to get the first aid kit.

Jin quirked his eyebrows before making his way to his doctor's room. Apparently his doctor is a girl.

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