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The next morning the remaining 5 boys went over to Jimin's office building for their treatment, which isn't the case if you haven't gotten the memo. Once the guards left the boys grabbed Jimin and dragged him to the sofa in the middle of the foyer.

"You took Jin hyung right?" Namjoon asks. Jimin didn't say a word, he just nodded.

"We will negotiate will you let him go? We will cooperate with you." Hoseok says.

Jungkook and Taehyung already have tears in their eyes seeing Jimin this way. He has changed into a monster they don't even recognise anymore.

"Fine. But what are your terms?" Jimin has some sort of authority in his voice that kinda scares the boys. He sat down on the sofa as well.

"We know you're a doctor and we know you are good with your chemicals and stuff...so,we don't want you giving us pills of all sorts or inject us with various chemicals that you might have. I also suggest you drop the treatment as well. I know what you're trying to do." Namjoon's eyes fierce, it was like you could see the flame burning in his eyes.

"Well if it isn't the man with 148 IQ, you guessed my whole plan huh? Well I guess it wasn't all the elaborate after all then." Jimin leans onto his arm that is resting on the arm rest of the sofa.

Jimin glances towards Yoongi who has been awfully quiet this whole time. "Someone's been awfully quiet this whole time. Why not you suggest something Yoongi hyung?" Jimin smiled his million dollar smile.

"There isn't much to say. I would say I agree with you, but taking Jin hyung is wrong Jiminie. We can talk it out and reach a common ground." Today Yoongi was singing a different tune, just last night, he was telling the boys to submit to Jimin's plans whatever it was. Yoongi guessed it was rather serious if he isn't seeing Jin walking around the building.

"Hyung..." Jimin whined out but soon that was replaced with a stoic expression on his face. "So, you want me to stop my treatments and let Jin hyung go?" Jimin asked, but it was more of a statement instead.

"Yes. Do you agree with it?" Namjoon asks.

"Well before we go into the agreement, I would name my terms and conditions first." Jimin paused a little before continuing, "All you have to do is follow my orders and I guarantee that you will have freedom."

Jimin gave a slight smile as he looked at the boys.

He knows the benefits of joining him is too good to pass up, so he adds more, "I'll set Jin hyung free too, if that's really what you guys want."

"Fine but we want to see Jin hyung now." Namjoon demands and Jimin stands up.

"Follow me then." Jimin walked up to his office and opened the doors, he then walked into the small secret room that is connected to his office. There Jin laid on the chair, not even moving slightly, just the rise and fall of his chest could be seen.

"What have you done to him? Why is he in this state? Jimin, how could you do this to your friends?" Taehyung screamed.

The word 'friends' hit him really hard. Friends, was he even worthy anymore, after all that he had caused, was he still someone who could be their friends.

"I'll wake him up, but the drug probably would take a few hours to take effect so he should be awake by the time you guys are supposed to leave." Jimin says before he attaches a needle to Jin's skin and piercing it through the flesh. He injected the so called antidote but it doesn't does much but wake Jin up.

He knows that there is no turning back once the chemical is used, he can only make them wake up.

Jimin the leaves and sits on his office chair. He doesn't know anymore, is the devil in his head even speaking the truth? Does he really need to do all of these?

Jungkook walks over to Jimin and pokes his cheeks, "Jimin hyung, you don't mean it right? You wont actually hurt us right? You're our friend right?"

Once again the word 'friend' hits him hard, he feels unworthy of the word. He doesn't deserve to be anyone's friend. He just hopes that Jin would be able to do things on his own after he wakes up but he would lose everything he has ever had.

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