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The boys rushed into the room. Jimin's arm was bleeding profusely while looking like it's burning slightly. Jimin was writhing in pain. Taehyung rushed over to Jimin followed by Jin. It looked terrible. The white coat was stained red with blood.

"Jimin! What happened? Oh my god!" Taehyung is panicking as blood continues to ooze out the open wound.

Jimin sat himself up and forced a smile, "I'm okay, you don't have to worry about me. I'll get myself to the hospital..."

The boys watched this scene with a sting in their heart. Clearly, Jimin feels bad for everything he had tried the past few days.

"Carry him to the car you idiots! We can't have him bleeding like this!" Jin shouted. Hoseok and Jungkook ran over and supported Jimin to the car. Jin rushed to the drivers seat, Namjoon next to him, the rest sat at the back. They all rushed to the hospital.

Once they reached the hospital, the boys scramble to get Jimin treated. Half of the sleeve is already red and dripping blood. Hoseok rushed to take the coat off while Namjoon held Jimin.

They went in and immediately nurses rush over to help Jimin. "This sure is one kind of burn..." one of the nurses murmur as she treats Jimin's bleeding hand. The boys wait anxiously for Jimin to be done.

Though they have all killed people before, except Taehyung, they can't stand seeing the blood pouring out of a wound from Jimin. They care about him but at the same time scared after the first incident happened.

"What was the chemical that made Jimin's hand blister in such a manner? It looks extremely bad and with the bleeding, it is just even worse." Yoongi mutters as he sits on one of the chairs that were available. The boys all look at him, thinking the same thing.

"Well, well, well, look who's here? Aren't you guys criminals? You should be in jail." Jung Su walks towards the group of boys. They all became wary and tensed, making sure they could pounce whenever needed.

"You better not interfere with my plan, or Jimin would face life-threatening consequences." A smug look is plastered on Jung Su's face as if he had won everything. Thete was no one to stop him from doing what he wants.

He then takes a look at the boys who were staring daggers at him. "Woah, don't need to be so hostile. I'm just saying what I want to say." Jung Su's smug look doesn't leave his face as he leaves the hospital. Jimin saw the whole thing, Jung Su threatening the boys.

That was never part of the plan.

He paid and went to the boys. "Let's go. We shouldn't stay here for too long." Jimin monotonously said as he walks away. The boys followed him and went to the car. They all went back to the building.

"Jimin, we have to do something. We can't have you doing things for that man. He is up to no good for sure." Namjoon says but Jimin doesn't reply, instead, he kept his head down as if deep in thought. The rest of the boys just looked at him helplessly.

"What's going on?" Jungkook asks as he views the whole thing happening.

"Well something surely is going on with him and Jung Su." Taehyung mutters.

They all know this, it was so obvious that Jung Su has something of Jimin's and forcing him to submission, committing crimes for the man. They reached the building in no time and Jimin quickly reached for the phone.

Jungkook runs over to stop him, "You need us right now. You're clearly unstable. Let us help."

Jimin looked up, and he saw the same kind face of the younger that he would see whenever he got berated by others. Jimin shook his head, no he can't count on them, not when the situation is this bad.

"No, I'm doing this for your safety, Jung Su is ruthless, I can't have you risking you lives like this." Jimin said calmly. He cared too much and after a first mistake he committed not too long ago, he was not going to do it a second time.

Jungkook slammed Jimin against the wall and blocked off all possible escapes. The boys came over as well, filling Jimin's vision with only their faces. "Jimin, we want to help you. Of course without you using unscrupulous methods to use us." Jin starts.

"We want you to depend on us."

"We love you."

"You're too important."

"You can't do everything by yourself and we will do everything that we can to help you."

"We can't have you hurt, you're simply too precious. You have been hurt your whole life, now you should be loved."

Those words that spill out of the boys caused the waterworks to start. The tears didn't stop and all the boys hugged him to provide the comfort he had forgotten after such long time. They stayed like this for some time before Jimin got exhausted and fell asleep. The boys sent him to bed and cuddled with him.

They stayed together at a time like this, but Jung Su will be there to test their true feelings.

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