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The 7 of them stayed in the canteen a little longer than the rest of the inmates, laughing and talking about things that didn't matter like they were just kids.

Jimin really just trying not to get mesmerised by them once again. He will never make the same mistake of falling in love with the dangerous kids anymore. He smiled, never laughed.

"Jiminie, are you not having fun? You're not laughing like you used to." Hoseok noticed. Well all of them are really observant, especially when it comes to Jimin.

"I'm okay, just tiring, after all I'm working not having fun. It is being professional." Jimin said, with his lips curled up a little, yet the smile didn't reach the eyes like it usually would.

"You're not working right? You already talked to us this morning, it's over right?" Jin asked. It didn't trigger anything which made Jimin breathe out a sigh of relief.

"I am. I came to see how all of you are doing after today. It must be scary huh?" Jimin asked, his trusty notebook in his hand as he waits for responses from the four who he had seen today.

"It's not scary, I just didn't know what came over me, I was just triggered like a switch was switched on in me. Sorry for being so on guard Jiminie." Yoongi spoke first.

Jimin shook his head before mumbling a it's ok to Yoongi and waited for the next response.

"I felt so scared of the dark and Jiminie sounded so emotionless and scary when we were in that room. I don't know why, it just made me scared like my nightmare come true." Hoseok muttered as he hugged onto Jimin.

Jimin allowing his hand to rub circles on Hoseok's back as he writes, also mumbling sweet things into Hoseok's ear.

"It's okay I guess, it's just the red background not helping much with my anger, triggering blood lust. Is that a thing?" Jin started thinking, "Oh and the way Jimin was speaking, it's quite aggravating though."

Jimin nodded slightly.

"The nightmares were pretty haunting... that's about it." Namjoon simply finished off the conversation.

"Hmm well actually I have 6 rooms. Each room have a different meaning and honestly all of you are randomly assigned to one. It's a new technique." Jimin finished off and the boys just nodded understanding the situation a little better.

It was clearly a lie though, none if those were true. They all have the same meaning, and that is to torture the mind of the patients in it. It won't go away, never.

The only downside to this — it's slow.

"Jiminie hyung, we want to go to the field. We can see the pretty sunset together before you go." Jungkook said before dragging Jimin to the direction of the field.

The guards not stopping them since Jimin was with all 6 of them.

Jungkook plop down on the grass, pulling Jimin to the ground with him. The rest of the boys sat together around Jimin as they watch the sun slowly set.

The yellow and orange hues mixed with the purple hues.

It is quite magical and you could see the spark in their eyes, except Jimin. Jimin had his eyes casted down on the green colour grass.

He can't look at the boys, it will simply make him feel so guilty from all the things he is doing. They all look so innocent, "Why am I doing this to them?" Jimin muttered.

"Did you say something Jimin?" Taehyung looked at him with a confused look.

Jimin just shook his head, he doesn't trust his voice at this point in time. He was scared it would crack, his tears threatening to fall.

"Come on let's get you back. You probably have better things to do than have me hang out with you guys." Jimin forced himself to sound as normal as possible.

However, of course the boys are observant enough, they all hugged him tightly, giving him the warmth of the love that they have for him.

They didn't move on, and they never would move on from Jimin anyway.

"Ok let's get you all back." Jimin repeated himself as he wipe the stray tears away from his face using his coat.

All the boys stood up pulling Jimin up as well. Jimin decided to follow the boys to where they were locked up at, since it technically was allowed since he is still working for the government by doing this.

"Oh my..." Jimin muttered as they were harshly thrown into two separate cells opposite to each other. He wanted to glare at the guard but he didn't want to be thrown out.

Jimin took out the lollipops he brought with him and handed them to the boys.

It will let them sleep almost immediately after the whole candy has been consumed.

"Well I have to go now, I'll see all of you tomorrow and please try to finish the lollipop. I would be happy if you did." Jimin said with his eye smile on his face and he left.

All the boys obviously ate the lollipop and fell asleep.

The more they sleep here, the lesser the pain.

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