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Late at night, the boys were all in their cells and for some reason Jin was separated from the other 5 boys. Well the fun has yet to come anyway. The room only had a chair and table, a little like a visiting room. An officer stood at the corner next to the door, otherwise he was alone.

Jimin's words ran through his head, he was it? What did it mean, what meaning was behind that simple sentence? It all didn't make sense.

That was until Jimin walked in. In his hands, a briefcase, well you usual classic black colour, and opaque. Jimin didn't wear anything too fancy, just a shirt and long jeans, his hair was a mess. He looked like he did a lot of work after the boys left few hours ago.

"Hey Jin hyung." The door closed behind him, and the guard left the two alone in the room. Jimin opened the briefcase and in it held a syringe and a test tube which held some sort if chemical.

"What are you going to do?" Jin asked, he wanted to move but he was held on the chair with hand cuffs and leg restraints. Jin stared at the syringe but he couldn't do anything.

"Are you scared?" Jimin smiled, he held the needle closer to Jin, and looked for the reaction, "Don't worry, you will not feel any pain at all, my doll."

Jimin moved closer, of course he made sure that the guards separated Jin, he would also make sure that Jin will not have any connection with the boys anymore. In fact, he is keeping Jin with him from now on.

"It will prick your skin a little, but soon you will feel nothing. It will numb you of your senses." Jimin explains as he pierces the needle into Jin's delicate soft skin and injected the chemical in Jin's system.

Jimin unlocked Jin from the cuffs and restrains, and Jin's body just slumped over. Well the chemical took effect fast. Jimin smiled before carrying the older on his shoulder.

"Who's next on the list? Who is going to be it next? Who will be my doll to play with? Who will be the next in my new collection?" Jimin mutters. This is his revolution. He wants them to pay, he wants the government to pay, he wants the people to pay, he wants the whole world to pay for the sins they have done towards him.

The blame is to this corrupted world he lives in and he will have his friends help him complete the revenge. He will get his well deserved revenge.

Who knew revenge would taste so sweet to Jimin. The world ruined him to the core. The world broke him, it was the same world that housed him and raised him. They build him up and just to break him down.

He carried Jin to his car, the guards of course allowed because Jin needed some "extra counselling".

He drove off to his office. The scenery pass by in a blur due to the speed he was going at. Jin at this point has his eyes completely closed. The chemical shutting his systems down.

Jimin reaches his office pretty quickly and he brings Jin to a small room, a hidden room and placed him on the bed. It almost looked like a dentist chair, but it's not.

Jimin easily hooked Jin onto the machine that could easily keep track of vitals, and it showed brain activities are low, Jimin smiled.

He went over to his table and grabbed a few files, this plan, this whole plan has been drafted for 2 years now, maybe even more but who keeps track of that.

"My, my so beautiful, simply breathtaking. You're mine now, Jin hyung. How I wish I could make you do things now but you won't be completely without the boys. Guess I have to wait my pretty little doll, soon we will start up a new generation — my revolution." Jimin caressed the peaceful face of Jin as his mind imagined his own world.

A world of destruction, a world of havoc, a world of blood and death for those who drove him crazy. This world must pay its price for the damage they have done to an innocent boy.

"We will reign in this world, we will..." Jimin mutters before leaving the room and locking the door. He left the office building and went home. He would need enough rest to deal with the boys tomorrow.

Oh the truth, yearned by many, yet hurt the most. My love shall heal the pain you face because it numbs all your pain...

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