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Pretty sure everyone knows this book has no schedule, but I guess I will put a reminder here :)


"Those stupid annoying boys are back." Jung Su grumbles once he steps through the doors to his house. Jung Gin looks up and raises a eyebrow at his brother, before shrugging and going back to his book.

The guy could care less about what others are doing, honestly he doesn't even need to see Jimin at all. He is a perfectly fine human being with no psychological problems or anger management issues. "You mean those boys who were sent to jail, right?" Jung Gin asks nonchalantly.

His brother looked over at him, "Don't ask questions that you don't want answers to."

Everyone knows Jung Gin's true character except Jimin and the boys, basically any one else out of his family circle. Jung Gin sighs, "You are simply too obsessed with the man. He has done nothing wrong. Honestly I don't even know why I'm doing this for you."

Jung Su growls. Jung Gin rolls his eyes uninterested.

"Whatever, you don't get it. He is the key to everything I ever wanted. How I wish I could chain him up right here and torture him. I really want to see the blood drip down his beautiful face. I want to hurt him until he begs for mercy." Jung Su laughs.

Jung Gin shook his head and stood up. He went over to his brother with a wooden stick and hit his brother on the head causing Jung Su to go unconscious. He drags his brother to bed before returning downstairs to his book.

"Jimin, you have gotten yourself into big trouble." Jung Gin mutters under his breath.

It is the exact opposite for the brothers today. Well this is their true personality. They just strayed off the plan when the started out. Now it causes a huge inconvenience to Jung Gin who constantly puts up and act.


"Jimin!!! Wake up, you need to eat!" Jin screamed for the boy who is still sleeping. The boys have all woken up and cleaned the whole place. They even took the phone calls, well only Taehyung did because he was the most sensible.

"Jimin!" Jin marched into the bedroom and carried the boy in princess style and went downstairs to where the food was. "Jimin wake up." Jin shook Jimin slightly. The boy stretched and groaned before opening his eyes slightly to see Jin in front of him.

"Good evening sunshine. It's time for dinner." Jin said gently. Jimin nodded and went to the bathroom to wash the sleep away.

Taehyung sat at one side recording each call he had taken. He just realised how popular Jimin is. Then there was a call from Jung Gin just a few hours ago. 'Watch out for Jung Su' then the call ended not even giving time for anyone to reply to him.

"What did that mean? What did Jung Gin mean?" Taehyung mutters to himself.

"What got you so deep in thought, Tae?" Namjoon walks over to Taehyung.

Taehyung looks up and said 'later' before walking to help set up the table for dinner. Namjoon is left in confusion as he went to call the rest of the boys down for dinner.

Dinner went through smoothly and now, Jimin is working in his office leaving the boys alone at the dining table. "Taehyung, about just now, the calls? Did something happen?" Namjoon asks and the rest of the boys turn to look at Taehyung.

Taehyung looked around before saying in a hushed tone, "Jung Gin called and told us to be careful of Jung Su. I don't know what it means, but Jung Gin sounded calm like he wasn't himself at all. It was like he had switched personalities with his brother." Taehyung says.

Hoseok looks deep in thought, "I think their plan went off course at the start so now Jung Gin has to be the violent one while Jung Su is the calm one. In truth it's the opposite."

The boys all finally understood, and Hoseok is very spot on when it comes to things like such.

"Okay, so what are we supposed to do now?" Jungkook asks.

The boys furrowed their eyebrows, they don't even know what to expect, how do they formulate a plan. "Hey, it's pretty late. Aren't you guys going to head to bed?" Jimin says from the second floor.

"We will be turning in soon. Don't worry Jimin." Taehyung shouts back, with a smile on his face. Jimin nods and heads back into his office.

"You know, we could just talk to Jung Gin in private. We have to find a way to knock Jimin out. We will definitely be having our sessions next Monday which is coming in about 3 days." Yoongi says nonchalantly.

"Session as in those rooms we enter that day?" Jungkook asks.

"I doubt so, but just be prepared, since he plans to send us back. He might use the rooms to lower our possible attacks. Just make sure you don't succumb to it. Put up an act to make him believe that his treatment is working, then we knock him out." Yoongi whispers.

"You're quite wordy today, Yoongi." Jin comments.

"Got a problem?" Yoongi says seemingly annoyed.

"Guys we shouldn't fight." Namjoon stands up and head to the room they would sleep in, "Let's just go to bed."

The boys all went to the room. Taehyung still feel suspicious and Jimin is oblivious to the whole situation.

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